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NFL_drama12 has tagged you in a post!!

liked by paige_lock17 and 23,456 others NFL_drama12 Kalani Kelce was in attendance for the Commandars @ Bengals game and she was wearing a Joe Burrow jersey

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liked by paige_lock17 and 23,456 others
NFL_drama12 Kalani Kelce was in attendance for the Commandars @ Bengals game and she was wearing a Joe Burrow jersey. Is it possible these two public figures have a thing?

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Joe sighed and turned his phone off as he saw the post. He knew things like this would happen it's not that he was shocked he just wished his private life could be private. He had always been a closed off guy, but after joining the NFL he knew he would need to branch off a little bit. And after his break up with his long term girlfriend he let loose more.

He knew now more than ever he would be in the public eye considering the person he is being rumored to be with is a singer and Kelce. He knew not to worry about it too much. He understood this was gonna be something that people are interested in and he couldn't stop them. As he was letting his thoughts run wild in his head he heard his phone ringing. When he went to cheek the caller ID it was no other than Kalani, of course he answered.


hiii i hope you're not busy
no i'm not at all what's up
i'm just bored and my manger keeps bugging me about needing to release a single
well do you have songs in mind
i have a couple but i'm just not sure which one is the best
i think either one you pick will be amazing
you're just saying that
no i'm not anything you put out will be great trust me
hmm ok pick a number 1-3
number 2
ok good graces it is let me text my manger
you really just let me pick the single like that
yep you seemed pretty trust worthy
do i at least get to hear it
i meannnn you did play pretty good yesterday so i suppose

incoming facetime call from kalani❣️
hi pretty
hiii do you wanna hear it
of course i do

Kalani played the song for joe and he just stared at her in awe. She was so amazing and so beautiful, she had the voice of an angel. The song was also incredibly catchy and gave him a few helpful hints. As the song came to a close Kalani had a huge smile on her face causing Joe to smile in response.

did you like itttt
i loved it, it was amazing
ahhh yay im so excited to release it
when are you going to
i think tommorw

The two stayed on the phone talking, laughing, and joking. Kalani felt like this was easy. As if she was talking to her best friend. Joe felt at peace. As if nothing could ever hurt as long as he was in her presence. She had casted a spell on him. They stayed on the phone untill Joe had to go get ready for his weightlifting session. They said goodbye and promise to talk to each other later. As the call ended Kalani and Joe both felt something hard to describe. They felt so much love for each other, and little did they know the other person felt the exact same way.

spongebob lover has posted!!

liked by betterkelce and 32 others spongeboblover she couldn't even drive herself to the store

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liked by betterkelce and 32 others
spongeboblover she couldn't even drive herself to the store...

view all 33 comments
betterkelce passenger princess
    spongeboblover on a whole other level
brookbridge it's actually unhealthy
    spongeboblover you offered to drive her?!?!
    brookbridge knew she wouldn't drive herself

7eleven_uno buddy is chesseing and shi
betterkelce is that not normal he always does
spongeboblover shhhh
7eleven_uno locker room is gonna hear this 1

golden girl;joe burrow Where stories live. Discover now