Kalani had just got off her flight and was no on her way to the hotel room Joe had booked for her. She knew the bengals would be staying at the same hotel and was nervous. She knew football players had little time to spend with family the day before away games, but Joe had ensured her that he would see her before the day was over. It's not that she didn't believe Joe would keep his promise or that she didn't want him to, she just didn't want him to be missing out on anything football related for her. He told her he would be missing nothing and that it was ok. She believed him as much as she could and didn't bring it up again.
When she got to the hotel she headed to her room and immediately passed out on the bed. She was so exhausted from the plane ride it didn't take her more than two minutes to fall into a deep and peaceful sleep. When she woke up from her nap she had a million notifications but one stuck out.
Joseph lee💌 i know you're probably sleeping but text me when you wake up i wanna take you to dinner
kalani❣️ hehe i just woke up you don't need to take me to dinner!!
joseph lee💌 no i want to lani i'll be there in an hour and 30 minutes to get you is that enough time?
kalani❣️ perfect!
Kalani started to get ready. She picked out a knitted top and jeans. She began to do her hair and makeup. When she was done with everything she looked in the mirror and was happy with how she looked. Almost on que there was a knock on the door. She opened the door and there was joe standing there. He had flowers in his hand and he looked amazing. "Are you ready?" he asked. Kalani nodded and the two walked hand in hand out to the car and towards the restaurant.
As they arrived they were already laughing and joking around. Every time they were together they both felt like little kids again. It was good, it was safe. Neither of them wanted it to end. " are you ready for the game tommorw" Kalani asked Joe as she ate her pasta. " yes i'm a little nervous since we're 1-2, i would love to be 2-2 after tommorw." Joe replied " You will be don't worry" kalani said back " with you there i will you're my good luck charm" exclaimed Joe. Kalani smiled back in return as they finished eating and headed back to the hotel.
When they arrived Kalani asked Joe if he wanted to come in. He said he could for about 2 hours and then he has to go back for his room check. Kalani thought it was funny that the NFL treated the players like little boys on a school trip. The two laid in bed and watched tangled. As Kalani's head was on Joe's chest she sighed contently. " I like this" Joe whispered " Like what?" Kalani questioned. " This, well us, i just like it" Joe answered. " I like this too, a lot." Kalani replied. " i don't want to push you but i could really see something with us." Joe said " me too" kalani said as they smiled at each other.
When Joe left and headed back into his hotel room Kalani couldn't help but smile. She was glad Joe had confirmed that they were feeling the same thing. About 15 minutes after he left Kalani headed into the shower and got ready for bed. As she laid in bed and scrolled through her phone. She couldn't help but smile as she saw Joe's post.
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