Today was sunday and Kalani was anxiously getting ready for the game. She doesn't know why she is so nervous it's just a football game she's been to so many through her life. She had a feeling however that it was becasue she would be going to a football game that wasn't her brother's and she would be wearing the quarterback's jersey. As she finished her makeup and hair she grabbed her bag and headed out the door. On the way to the game she got a text from her manger.
" Hey Kalani just a couple of things. Before the game you will have an interview with reporter Jane Rivers and Collin Jones. We have a list of the questions they will be asking, they are mostly pretty simple questions and easy to answer, however the interview won't be live so if you chose not to answer a question they will cut it out before posting the final interview. After your interview you will be taken to the area where the charity event is taken place, then after that you will go up to the suite and watch the game. If you have any questions feel free to reach out."
Joe had offered to let Kalani sit in his box, but she felt that would bring more attention to them and they already had a bunch. She also thought it would be awkward with his parents up there and other family friends. Joe said he understood, but the offer is still out there if she changed her mind. When she pulled up to the stadium she took a deep breath before walking out of the car. She went over and signed in and immediately was directed towards the reporters.
After her interview and the charity event she was lead to the suite her manger had arranged for her. There was other people there too of course, a couple people she was familiar with who also attended the charity event. As the game began she was on the edge of her seat the whole time. It was currently 31-33 Bengals down and 2 minutes left on the clock. She watched amazed as Joe moved the offense down the field and boom touchdown Jamarr Chase. The Bengals had won the game 38-33 and Kalani couldn't be happier. After the game she went down towards the family and friends tunnel per Joe's request. No one could get in there besides friends and family after the game so no one would see them.
"Hi" said Kalani as Joe jogged over to her. " Hi" he replied back finally reaching her. " You played so good i enjoyed every second of the game" Kalani told him as she hugged him. "Thank you i think you might be my good luck charm" Joe smiled at her. " Well i have to go to press conference but i'll text you as soon as im done pinky promise" Joe said as he held out his pinky. Kalani interlinked their pinkies and gave Joe one last hug before he headed into the locker room and she headed home.
When Kalani got home it was around 5:30 ish because of all the traffic. She texted her manger to let him know how everything went and then went into the shower. After her shower she put on grey sweatpants and a tank top, then went downstairs to find something to eat. She didn't have much and thought to herself " i really need to go grocery shopping". She check in her fridge and saw that she had a leftover salad and leftover chicken. She chopped up the chicken and put in the salad along with some ranch and ate as she scrolled through her phone. As she was scrolling she got a notification.
Joseph lee 💌 hey i just finished up with everything at the stadium i hope you got home safe and had fun at the game!
Kalani❣️ i had a lot of fun i hope i can go to more games you played great!!
Joseph lee 💌 thank you, i hope you can come to more too i'm about to head home, shower, and watch some film if i don't text you again i probably fell asleep goodnight❤️
Kalani❣️ goodnight🤍
Kalani sighed as she placed her phone down and headed up to her room. She changed into pajamas and put on Greys Anatomy. She posted her instagram pictures and then headed to bed. Little did she know all the commotion her post will cause.
Kalanikelce18 has posted!! (pretend the jersey is joe's)
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liked by joeyb_9 and 3,463,672 others kalanikelce18 had so much fun today! go watch my interview on CBS now!
view all 1,346 comments
user21 causally wearing Joe's jersey like it's nothing
Bengals Loved having you at the game! kalanikelce18 loved being there🫶
killatrav that doesn't look like my jersey jasonkelce or mine kelcefanpage i love this
NFL Bengals jersey is a nice touch 😉 user35 GOODBYE user8 not the NFL too
Jane_RiversCBS Had the best time interviewing you kalanikelce18 🤍🤍
user62 if her and joe start dating i'm gonna get pressed user37 why they're so cute user162 she's not good enough for him
a/n hey guys hope you are liking the story!! Also i know the Bengals didn't win the Commandars game but im changing the ending of a couple games to fit my storyline!