As Joe and Kalani walked around New York hand in hand the couple was well aware of all the eyes on them, but simply did not care. When they were together everything else just disappeared and it felt like it was only the two of them. They have been walking around for about a hour or so now and we're about ready to head back to the hotel. The couple would be flying back to Cincinnati tomorrow morning.
"Baby what time is the flight tomorrow" Kalani asked as she bucked her seat belt and waited for Joe to start the car. "We leave at 9, is that ok?" He said as he started to back out of the parking spot. "Yes that's perfect, i'm so tired" she said looking right at him. "I know me too let's get back to the hotel we can shower and go to bed" He said placing his hands on her thigh. "Perfect" she replied as she looked infront of her.
As soon as they got back to the hotel Joe headed into the shower first since he normally took less time than Kalani. After they both shower, washed their face, and brushed their teeth the pair headed into bed. Kalani was wearing a pair of brandy melville boxers with hearts and one of Joe's oversized shirts as Joe was just wearing grey sweatpants.
"What do you want me to put on?" Joe asked as Kalani snuggled into his chest, knowing she couldn't sleep without some sort of background noise. "Can you put on gilmore girls" she said yawning already drifting to sleep. Joe turned on gilmore girls knowing in no time Kalani would be asleep, he closed his eyes also feeling very tired and the couple fell asleep in each others arms
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liked by joeyb_9 and 4,637,838 others kalanikelce18 welcome to new york!
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lahjay10_ she got him to go outside she's the 1 kalanikelce18 i try my best
joeyb_9 1989🩵🪩🎊🍾🗽📰 kalanikelce18 good job joeyb_9 i practiced killatrav i like this one user23 BYE.
Bengals our good luck charm
paige_lock17 come home the kids miss you kalanikelce18 coming!! joeyb_9 uhm...
Joe dropped Kalani off at his, no their apartment after the flight landed and he headed to the facility. He promised her that he would be home in a hour or two and she said it was ok she understood.
While she waited for Joe to get back she unpacked their suitcase, put the dirty clothes in the washing machine and the clean clothes away. Joe would be coming home around 3 so she decided to make them an early dinner/ late lunch.
When Joe got home he took a quick shower before he sat down with Kalani and began to eat. Kalani had made salmon and salad which her and Joe both enjoyed. As they sat around the table they talked about random things and just enjoyed each other's presence.
"So tomorrow i'm going to the studio to work on some stuff for a new album." Kalani said as she took her and Joe's plate to the sink. "Really that's so fun, here let me wash them you cooked." Joe said as he took the dishes from her hand. "will I get a sneak peak at the songs?" He asked as he turned the water on and began to scrub the plates. "Maybe i'll think about it" Kalani said laughing as she went to sit on the couch.
The couple then spent the rest of the night together and would wake up the next morning body's tangled together on the couch.