9. DJ Night

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I was lying on the bed, scrolling on instagram when I receive a notice from my college's app.


All junior college students are hereby reminded about the upcoming event "DJ night" organised by the student council. Students can participate for Solo singing, group singing, solo dance, group dance and many more events. Please submit your name to your respective class teachers.

I immediately open whatsapp and text Aarav

Aastha: Hey! Did you read the notice about DJ night?

Aarav: Yeah I just read it. We can still meet to work on the project for an hour, right?

Aastha: Yeah we can meet for an hour after the college. Are you going to the event?

Aarav: Nah, you?

Aastha: Khushi wants to go and she's begging me to go with her. So yeah I will probably go. You should come

Aarav: I hate loud speakers and crowds so I'll skip. But I will see you in college tomorrow

Aastha: Yeah see youu...

*Next Morning*

I was standing in front of the mirror with two tops in each hand. One was a red polka dotted crop top and the other was a black V- neck. I decided to go with the black one for the day.

I reached college and walked to the english class. It was mandatory to sit with our project partners, so Aarav was now my bench partner.

Not like I had a problem with it.

I saw him standing near his friends. They were laughing and smirking at something. Then I see it. Aarav is wearing red and so is Shreya.

"Aww Aarav! You guys are twining!" His friend states the obvious with a grin.

Shreya stood there laughing and blushing. The worst part was that I was so close to wearing red but then I chose to wear black.

Universe has a shitty sense of humour .

Aarav and Shreya were now talking to each other intently.

I roll my eyes at them and start studying to distract myself. The teacher enters and we all stand up to greet him. Everyone except Shreya and Aarav.

The professor clears his throat and Aarav comes back to his place next to me.

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