Chapter Six- The Bestfriend

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~*Cecy's POV*~

"And all he does is take advantage of girls!" Neo exclaimed taking a deep breath after finishing her rant on Harry as we walked out of school.

"Okay then, Harry equals bad," I chuckled noticing that Gaby wasn't pleased at all and was also a little distracted. Probably thinking about Harry.

"Good, at least someone got my point," Neo said with a frown.

Gaby rolled her eyes and tried to change the conversation, " So do you live far?"

"Not really, I live about 10 minutes from here, on Collins street," I answered her.

"No way! We live on the street next to that, Mitchell Lane," Gaby exclaimed.

Neo's face lit up just like Gaby's. "That's great!" she began, "You could go over to our house right now!"

"Actually I can't today, I've got to take care of my siblings since my parents will be out," I explained.

"We could go over to yours then if you want and help babysit too. Then afterwards we could just hang out!" Neo excitedly proposed.

"That'd be great," I told her just as I felt someone cover my eyes.

"What the-" I began when I was interrupted by a very familiar voice.

"Am I invited too?" he asked.

I immediately spun around grinning widely. "Louis!!!" I managed to yell before he embraced me in a very tight bear hug.

"Cecy! he exclaimed only hugging me tighter, "Miss me much?"

"More than you can imagine," I answered truthfully.

He finally let me go and I introduced him to Gaby and Neo. "Louis, meet Gaby and Neo," I pointed to the girls, "Gaby, Neo, meet Louis."

They all said hi and then Louis explained what he was doing there.

"That's so sweet!" Gaby said, "Coming all the way across town just to see your girlfriend!"

I chuckled lightly, "no we're not going out, Louis is just my best friend."

Louis smiled and nodded, "So you girls need a ride?"

"You've got no idea how much I love you right now, I seriously didn't feel like walking home today," I said hugging him again before jumping into the passanger's seat. "No problem love," he winked before getting into the car.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yelled as I swung the front door open.

"You're home early!" she yelled back from the kitchen before walking out to greet me.

She came out with a light pink maternity shirt on and a kitchen towel over her shoulder while her hand was rubbing her gigantic belly. She immediatly lit up and rushed over with open arms but instead of hugging me she kept walking straight past me.

"Louis! How are you? What about your family? Oh how we've missed you!" she told my best friend as she hugged him tightly as best as she could without her belly getting in the way.

"I've missed you all too Mrs. Edwards," Louis assured her returning the hug.

"Well gee mom thanks, I missed you too," I said making Gaby and Neo chuckle.

"Oh hush," she said. "I see you everyday anyways," she joked.

"And who might you lovely girls be?" my mom asked.

"I'm Neo and this is my sister Gaby ma'am," Neo said.

"Oh don't call me that sweetie, makes me feel old," my mom shuddered.

"Okay then, note taken Mrs.E," Neo told her.

My dad then walked in with his suitcase in hand and gave us all a big smile. After introducing himself to Neo and Gaby he went over to hug me and give me a kiss on the cheek. He then walked over and shook Louis' hand looking almost as happy as my mom did to see him. He had to soon leave with my mom however since she had her doctor's appointment.

"Alright kids be good, be back soon. Louis take care of them we won't be gone long," my dad told us all before leaving.

"I will sir," Louis answered.

We went up to my room and listened to music for a while until somehow we reached a conversation about crushes.

~*Neo's POV*~

"I don't know, I guess," Cecy answered Gaby to whether she thought the guys at school were hot or not.

"Oh come on, you didn't find at least one cute guy today?" I questioned.

"Well...there was this one guy," she began and I noticed that Louis quickly looked up from braiding Cecy's hair. "But he has a girlfriend, she explained."

"Come on, spill it," Gaby urged her.

"Fine, I think Zayn is sort of cute..." she mumbled.

"Aha!" I smiled, "He is sort of cute, you've got good taste."

"What about you Louis?" Gaby asked him, taking him by surprise.

"What about me?" he asked innocently.

"Don't act like you don't know what we're asking, if there's a girl spill it," she went on.

I saw as he glanced at Cecy then quickly looked down at the floor. "Nah. There's no one," he finally answered. Oh snap. He liked Cecy. I was sure of it, he liked Cecy but she had no idea. Aww poor thing, he seemed so sweet.

"And you Neo? Don't tell us you don't like anyone," Cecy looked at me mischievously.

The doorbell then rang and Louis went down to get it. "The kids are here!" I heard him exclaim.

"Go on," Cecy encouraged me, "Louis can take care of them for a few seconds."

"Nope," I answered matter of factly. Right now I'm focusing in school and there is no boy that can change-" I began, when suddenly the cutest blond boy walked into Cecy's room interrupting my thoughts, "That..." I finished barely speaking above a whisper.


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