Chapter Eighteen- The Final Decision

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~*Louis' POV*~

"You didn't let me finish. About that whole stay away from other people's boyfriends thing, why don't you tell that to your friend Cecy over there huh? She's the one that made out with Zayn and has been trying to steal him away from me since she got here!" Kayleen spit out before turning to leave causing everyone to grow silent.

What? What was she talking about? I turned to face Cecy who looked scared as she bit her lip. Her reaction said it all, it was true. She reached for my hand but I pulled away. I began walking to my car and asked Niall if he was coming with me or not.

"Louis please," Cecy said trying to talk to me but I ignored her words and continued walking.

"Niall you coming or not?" I ignored Cecy and turned towards Niall. I wasn't sure I could hold in the pain any longer.

"I'll be there in a second," he assured me, probably wanting to say goodbye to Neo before we left. I got into the car and saw through the rear view mirror as Niall hugged Cecy. I turned on the car and rested my head on the steering wheel as Niall made his way to the car. I tried to clear my head but couldn't think about anything except Cecy. It wasn't anything unusual, I always thought about her all the time. Ever since I started liking her she never left my thoughts once. Her smile, how everyone thinks she's quiet but how much of an outburst she can be with me, all the times we've spent together like it was nothing. Even before we'd gone out we'd held hands and played around a lot but I doubt she'd thought much about it. I on the other hand loved all the stuff we did together and cherished every moment of it. All those beautiful memories however were now being replaced by fabricated thoughts of her soft lips crushing against Zayn's. The images forming in my head began to turn my feelings from hurt to anger. How could Cecy have done that to me? She was supposed to be MY girlfriend, not his. Even worse than that she was supposed to be my best friend. Niall was my best friend in a way too but it wasn't the same. She was supposed to be there for me even more now than ever but instead she was with her new friends and someone else's boyfriend. It's like she was someone else who I didn't recognize. She wasn't like this before, this wasn't the Cecy that I knew. It must be because of her coming to this new school and hanging out with people like Zayn.

Yeah that's it, this was all Zayn's fault, it had to be. There's no other possible explanation for Cecy cheating on me, he made her do it. God what an ass! He actually came to eat with us knowing that Cecy was mine. How could I have been so stupid? The whole not wanting to come thing must have all been an act, he was probably planning how to take Cecy away from me as the rest of us all sat together enjoying our food.

At that moment Niall got into the passenger's seat startling me. I lifted my head up from the steering wheel as he asked if I was alright. I didn't answer him not because I was angry he'd hugged Cecy before leaving but because I didn't know how to explain how I felt. Was I hurt? Yes. Was I angry? Yes, but at who? Did I hate Cecy? No I could never in my life feel that emotion towards her but I still couldn't say that she hadn't hurt me deeply. What about Zayn, did I hate him? No. Maybe...yes Zayn. I hated him with all my guts for putting his hands, his lips, on the girl I loved. Loved? I didn't even know anymore. I kept quiet as I drove the car out of the parking lot not bothering to answer his question. He doesn't bother asking me again until we arrive at my house and are in my room.

"Louis, are you okay?" he looks at me worriedly with furrowed brows. Considering the speed I was driving I'm actually wondering if I should ask him if he's okay. I'm surprised the cops didn't pull us over,

Again I don't answer so he asks one more time.

"Louis, are you okay. Please answer me, you can't keep this all inside man." he tells me.

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