Chapter Fourteen- Mistakes and Lost Chances

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~*Cecy's POV*~

I open my eyes drowsily as my alarm wakes me up, waiting another 10 minutes before actually getting out of bed. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night just waking up every hour or so, so I hadn't gotten much sleep. I lazily get up and walk over to my closet to choose out my clothes. I didn't feel like going to school but I knew I had to, I wasn't one of those people who could just skip school even though I was one of the few privileged with a mother who would actually let me. Not feeling like spending much time choosing out an outfit I threw on some jeans, my snoopy t-shirt, and a black hoodie. I walked over to the bathroom mirror to fix my hair but only brushed over it once, not feeling like doing anything fancy to it. By the time I went down to get breakfast I only had ten minutes to get to school and could only grab my last bottle of Starbucks cappuccinos. I had to remember to grab another pack on the way home. I rushed out the door and walked as fast as could to get to first period on time. I was about halfway there when a car pulled over ever next to me. It was Liam asking if I wanted a ride. I was about to get in when I noticed that sitting in the back was Zayn.

"No thanks," I gave him a sheepish smile, "I'm fine."

"Come on!" Edith encouraged me, from the passenger's seat.

If I wasn't so late I might've refused but I knew I wasn't going to make it in time now. I reluctantly got in but made sure to put as much space between Zayn and I. We got to school and I managed to dash out of the car yelling back thanks to Liam trying to avoid any type of conversation with his best friend. It was hard avoiding him every class we had together and by lunch Edith knew something was up.

"That's it you two, mind explaining what the heck happened? Yesterday you two were too scared to face the fact you wanted to go out and now you're not even talking?" she looked at us as if she was scolding a pair of kids.

I didn't explain anything but instead got up, "I'm going to go to the performing arts wing now. See you later."

Edith was about to object but I gave her a please-understand look. She nodded at me me and mouthed okay turning to Zayn as if expecting for him to explain.


~*Zayn's POV*~

I looked down at my food moving it around with my fork trying to avoid Edith's eyes. I knew that if I looked at her I'd have to explain and I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Did Gaby forgive you already?" I turned to Liam. As soon as he told me what he'd done to Harry I knew that Gaby would be pissed at him. I also knew that his actions weren't going to he ignored by Coach. I was proven right when he told me he was suspended from playing.

"Oh no you don't, tell me what happened. NOW," Edith demanded.

I could never keep anything away from her. She was like a mom, she always knew when something was up.

"I messed up Edith," I sighed., "Yesterday we talked like you said, and she gave me a chance. She actually wanted to give me a chance and I messed it up. After I dropped her off at her house I guess she realized I'd left my jacket so she went back to my house to drop it off a few hours later. When she came in though, Kayleen was there. I don't know what came over me but when Kayleen kissed me I kissed back...and Cecy saw."

I saw as Liam shook his head and Edith looked like she was getting more and more mad.

"That's it. That little- I'm not gonna put up with her anymore," she said angrily.

"Edith what are you talking about?" I asked her confused. I saw as she got up and began walking away towards a table across the cafeteria. It was only after she reached the table that realized who she was talking about. Liam and I rushed over to stop her but by the time we got there she had already slapped Kayleen and was now yelling at her. Luckily for us no teacher had seen her.

"You need to stay away from Zayn, do you understand? He likes Cecy now. You need to accept that and move on. It's not like you actually cared about him anyway! You cheated on him every 

chance you got!" Edith shot at Kayleen while she rubbed her red cheek.

Kayleen was about to throw a slap back at Edith but I caught her hand just in time. "Are you going to let her talk to me that way Zayn??" she asked looking at me.

"She's right Kayleen. Just stay away from me," I answered her, "I can't ruin things between Cecy and I. I probably already did but if she takes me back I don't want you getting in the way."

She looked at me in shock and then anger, " You'll come back to me soon enough you will after that little slug breaks your heart." I ignored her words and walked away behind Liam who was calming Edith down before she turned back to really hurt Kayleen. The three of us threw our lunches away and then walked to our next classes. I had to catch Cecy after school, I didn't know how but I knew that I had to get her back.


*After School*

~*Zayn's POV*~

I changed into my normal school clothes after hitting the showers. We'd run four laps and I didn't want to go see Cecy all sweaty. I told Liam to hurry up not wanting to miss my chance to talk to her. I finally told Liam to just wait for me at his car and he agreed so I left out the back doors making my way to the parking lot where I knew Cecy always walked with Gaby and Neo. I smiled as I caught a glimpse of her walking with her friends. I saw as someone then walked up to Gaby and gave her a kiss. It must've been Harry because I could see as Gaby began to grin widely. I finally caught up to them and said hello. Cecy was still ignoring me but everyone else returned the gesture. I could see that Neo was about as happy with Gaby and Harry's relationship as Liam because when he wrapped his arm around her sister she frowned looking very unhappy. I never personally knew the guy but even if he did seem a bit full of himself the way he looked at Gaby it made it seem as if he really cared for her. I was about to attempt talking to Cecy again when a car suddenly honked at us before parking in a nearby spot. I saw as two guys got out, one blond and the other a taller brown haired one I thought I'd seen before. The blond one walked over to Neo and hugged her tightly wiping the frown off her face

"Zayn, Harry this is my boyfriend Niall," Neo introduced us.

"Nice to meet you," Niall told us.

"You too," Harry and I nodded.

I looked back and turned towards Cecy and saw as the other guy went up and gave her a hug.

"And this is my boyfriend, Louis," Cecy said out loud to everyone but I felt as if it was more directed at me. "Louis, these are Harry and Zayn, and you remembered Gaby and Neo," she told him.

"Ahhh! Finally you guys!" Neo exclaimed.

"Yes, you finally got the guts to ask her out huh Louis?" Gaby joked.

"Yes I did," he chuckled, "and I'm really glad she finally said yes last night. Pleasure to meet you Harry and Zayn," he said.

"You too," Harry told him as he looked up from playing with Gaby's necklace.

"Yeah," was all I could manage to mumble. I couldn't believe Cecy accepted to go out with him. I felt my stomach drop as he gave her a kiss. Louis said she accepted last night so it must've been after she saw me with Kayleen. I'd lost my chance now, she was taken.


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