Chapter Sixteen- Awkward Meal Time Part Two: Liam, Edith, Gaby, and Harry

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~*Liam's POV*~

I watch as Edith comes back down and am surprised when Cecy gives Louis a long lasting kiss on the lips.

"What was that about?" I lean over and whisper to Edith.

"Nothing but little kids fighting," she rolls her eyes.

I give her a puzzled look but she just smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek, "I'll explain later," she tells me. She pushes me back onto my chair as the waitress brings out our orders. The waitress gives me Gaby's plate by accident so I try handing it over but she doesn't pay attention to me. I clear my throat to grab her attention but it's now obvious that she's doing it on purpose. Edith takes the plate from my hands and passes it to Gaby who gladly takes it from her with a smile.

"So is that how it's gonna be? Are you never gonna talk to me again now or what?" I ask her. She continues to ignore me but I keep talking to her.

"Well that's great, we've been friends for over half our lives and now you're trading me for some jerk?" I question. At this she spins her head around from facing Harry to facing me.

"No. Don't even try to pin this on me. You did this, not me. You had to be an idiot and beat up my boyfriend .This is your fault," she spit at me.

"Your boyfriend?" I scoffed, "for god's sake Gaby! Are you really that blind? Everyone in this table could tell you that the only thing he wants from you is the same thing he got from the rest of his so called girlfriends. SEX."

Everyone's head shot up at my words but no one said a word. Harry simply grabbed Gaby's hand kissing it gently and if I didn't know any better I would've believed his little charade about truly liking Gaby.

"Are you kidding me?" Gaby asked, "now you're just making crap up. Just leave Harry and I alone would you?"

I balled up my fist in anger. How could she pick this jerk over me? I'd been there for her all the time and now she was falling head over heels for an idiot who was up to no good. Couldn't she understand I didn't want her getting hurt? We didn't say a word to each other, only using Edith to communicate.

"Edith tell Liam to pass the salt."

"Edith tell Gaby to pass over the napkins."

"Edith would you tell Liam to stop giving my boyfriend and I the death glare? We're trying to eat here."

"Edith tell Gaby to stop being blind and see what's going on."



"That's it, I've had it! Both of you get the hell over it and make up! I'm tired of being caught in the middle, you guys are stressing me out! Get your crap together NOW!" Edith yelled out causing the whole diner to become quiet. She got up from her seat shoving the chair aside and ran to the restrooms looking extremely mad. I looked over towards Gaby who was fiddling with an airplane necklace around her neck nervously after Edith's outburst. I'd seen someone else wear that before. Harry had worn that necklace since I could remember and not once had he taken it off. He had given other girls jewelry to get them to sleep with him but never his airplane necklace. Could his intentions towards Gaby be real? I had to find out, if not for Gaby at least for Edith who was going to end up insane if we didn't fix this soon.

"Harry I need to talk to you," I said sternly.

Harry looked towards me noticing I was looking at the necklace and nodded. Gaby pulled him back about to object but he assured her it was fine. She reluctantly agreed and Harry began following me outside. Once we were both outside I looked at Harry with more seriousness than ever.

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