Chapter Four- Gaby's Crush

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~*Gaby's POV*~

I sighed looking towards the other side of the room as i waited for Neo and Cecy by the door. He was so cute. His green eyes sparkled everytime he talked and his luscious curls were incomparable. No. Crap! No no no no no no no! I quickly turned around as we made eye contact but it was too late, he was walking over.

"Hey gorgeous, what are ya doing over here all by yourself?" I heard his raspy voice ask.

I spun around trying to sound normal and stop myself from squealing. "Hi Harry, just waiting for my sister and her friend."

"Oh and here I thought i was getting you all to myself," he said moving closer.

"Nope, they'll be here soon..."

I could just feel my cheeks redden as he got closer and closer. I now had my back against the wall while he towered over me. I bit my lip nervously as Harry's face began to approach mine but suddenly Neo walked in with Cecy.

Harry turned to see them and noticing Neo's irritated face he immediately backed away. "Too bad, maybe some other time," he whispered in my year brushing my cheek with his finger. "See ya Neo!" he yelled back with a smirk as he walked away.

Oh my god. I was going to die.

"What was that???" Neo yelled bringing me out of my daydream.

"Err..nothing," I mumbled quietly. I didn't know why she always got so mad when she saw me near Harry, especially since she was always such a sweet person.

"Whatever," she said rolling her eyes.

"So do I get to know about this Harry now?" Cecy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He is the hottest guy ever," I told her after making sure Harry was out of earshot.

"Ha!" Neo scoffed. "Don't listen to her. Harry is nothing more than a little womanizer trying to get his hands on every girl he can."

I was about to protest but Ms. Manrose walked in making a big entrance like always. I admired her, she was beautiful and unlike many teachers and women for that matter, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. We all immediately took our seats paying close attention.

"Today we will be practicing acting. So to start off we'll do improv and i'll need 2 people. Alright Gaby and...Harry get up there," Ms. Manrose told us.

I could feel myself starting to blush as i walked up to the stage and stood in front of Harry.

"Okay kids, I'll keep it easy. Do a simple monologue, doesn't have to be anything fancy. Gaby you start us off."

I looked Harry straight in the eyes and began, "I can't believe you! How could you do this?"

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't-"

"Didn't mean to hurt me??? How can killing my family family not hurt me? You're crazy!"

"I did it for you baby, for us"

"Don't you lie to me!"

"Please, let's just forget about this! Let's leave it all behind" Harry suddenly pulled me by the waist and I was taken by surprise but continued with the scene.

"I could never forgive you, you're a monster!" I yelled as i gained courage and slapped him, Ms. Manrose had always said it was better when you included physical actions. I then got out of his grasp and began to walk away when Harry suddenly pulled me in for a kiss. Holy...

I was still in shock when he finally let go and continued to deliver his last line "You can think I'm a monster but you'll always love me!"

"WOOO!!!" I heard everyone cheer as i walked off the stage. I didn't bother looking at the teacher's reaction but i could tell that she didn't make a big deal out of it since she didn't send us to the office. Neo on the other hand was the total opposite looking like she was about to kill Harry.

"That little!!! Im gonna!! Ahhh!!"

"Calm down Neo," i said not being able to talk above a whisper, being too distracted by what just happened, "It was just improv."

The rest of class was sort of slow and I let Cecy walk out with Neo first since I needed to get some audition information Ms. Manrose had left on her desk before she left. I was almost out the door when I felt the same hands from before grab me by the waist.

"That was fun" Harry whispered into my ear from behind.

"I umm..."

"You're cute you know that?" he asked as he spun me around to face him. I didn't know what to say so I just sort of shrugged and looked down at the floor.

"You are. I was thinking maybe you and me could go out sometime. I know your sister doesn't like me but it could be our little secret. She doesn't have to know," he said brushing the hair out of my face.

"I couldn't-"

"Just think about it," he said slipping a folded sheet of paper into my hands, "It could be fun." He touched my lips with his fingers and then smirked before walking away leaving me alone in the room with his phone numer in my hand. What was I suppossed to do?....

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