Turning Tides

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This part was written by my BFF Bailey aka Moony:) -Padfoot

Sherlock's POV

I pulled away suddenly; my cheeks hot and they were probably a deep red, or at least light pink. My eyes widened as I realized what I'd just done. I quickly turned around and started pacing the room, trying to subdue the blush that had made its home on my high cheekbones.
"W-what was t-that?" John stuttered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that his face was also bright red.
"It... Um... You looked upset so I um... gave you a display of affection," I said quickly.
"To make you feel better?" My attempted statement came out sounding more like a question. Luckily my blush had subsided, but John's was still going strong.
"I should probably go," I said quickly as I bent down and gave Scoutt a kiss on the forehead, I grabbed my coat and shrugged it on, making sure to pop the collar up. I walk out of the room and past the corridor.
I got at least five feet from the door when I heard John say "William Sherlock Scott Holmes get your arse back in here!" I slowly turned around to face a fuming John. What have you gotten yourself into Sherlock, I thought. Several nurses and doctors looked over at John's 'little' outburst.
I hung my head as a reluctantly walked back into the room. As soon as I got into the room John slammed the door behind us.
"Sherlock what the bloody hell was that!" John whisper shouted, trying not to wake Scoutt up. John's face was red out of anger, not embarrassment. Wow, how much did you fuck up? I thought. I looked down, only John could make me flustered like this. When I looked up John was right in front of me. Even though he was shorter than me, I had to admit that he was a bit scary like this.
I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to think. Before I could open my mouth to spit out another stupid, for me, excuse I found something on my lips. My eyes shot open to find John... kissing... me...

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