William Sherlock Scott Holmes Watson

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About two weeks later on Christmas Eve

John's POV

After a week of things looking so bleak that you would have thought a dementor had sucked all the happiness out of this world , a miracle happened. Sherlock awoke and was looking really healthy and things were looking a lot better. The doctors said there was hope and so Sherlock got put on the organ donors list and a few days later Sherlock had the lung transplant surgery. He has no signs of cancer since. Today is Christmas Eve and we are not only celebrating Scoutt's first Christmas, but Sherlock's health and if things go my way they will be one more thing to celebrate.

"Hey John, look at how adorable Scoutt is? " Sherlock says carrying Scoutt over dressed in the most adorable Christmas dress ever .

"She's so precious , where did the dress come from? " I answer, wondering how and when Sherlock snuck out of the flat."

"I made Lestrade take me shopping when you made him 'babysit' me." Sherlock answers and then I realize that he was carrying Scoutt and he was suppose to be resting and not carrying weight.


"What John?" he says trying to act innocent.

"Give Scoutt to me and stop disobeying the doctors orders." I answer.

"Come on the doctors just say those things, they're rubbish." Sherlock says still holding Scoutt.

"Just hand me our daughter ." I say and he hands her over, smiling at the fact that I called her our daughter .

I love this man so much and I really just was want to call him mine and enjoy our little family. Later tonight I'm going to do it .

"Sherlock can we sit down and watch a movie or something?" I ask

" Sure John, um what about you go pick the movie and I'll make some popcorn up." he answers and I set off to go get one of our Christmas movies. I see that we have about five ; a Rudolph movie, Tom and Jerry nutcracker movie, a DVD with all of the Christmas-related Doctor Who episodes , a Chipmunks Christmas movie,and Frosty the Snowman. While I really need to get Sherlock into Doctor Who, I decided that Scoutt would probably enjoy the Chipmunk movie more.

I come back to see Scoutt and Sherlock on the couch , Sherlock feeding Scoutt some applesauce.

"This work?" I say holding up the movie .

"Sure John. Is that an American film? They are really hilarious, but man those Americans are really dense." Sherlock says and we both giggle .

The movie was really good and Sherlock's side comments just made it better.

The movie ended.

"Well at least the Americans can do one thing right" Sherlock comments. Oh the American jokes.

"Hey can we do presents ?" Sherlock asks.

"Okay " I answer and really nervous, because of the thing, and I'm trying to not show it ,because of all the boyfriends in the world mine has to be the master of deduction .

There's a few presents for Scoutt and then Sherlock and I exchange gifts. Finally its time.

" Hey Sherlock I have one more present for you. "I say handing him a wrapped shoebox where I hide the ring box.

He opens in and his face oh is face was so full of shock and happiness and awkwardness and maybe a tad bit of fear.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, I love you so much . We have been though the crappiest things together , but I wouldn't have wished it any different. I love you and if you'll allow it Id love to make your ridiculous long name even longer. Can I do that ,will you marry me and the nest time you're being arrogant I can yell 'William Sherlock Scoutt Holmes Watson'?" I ask so nervously awaiting his answer.

"Yes-" he starts and then before he can say anything else I pull him down into a long and passionate kiss.

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