John's Sherlock

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Hope you like it. -Padfoot

Sherlock POV

I seriously do not understand other human beings. First I kiss John , he yells at me , and then he kisses me ? I mean both kisses were amazing , but I am seriously confused and I absolutely positively do not like being confused. And then again why do I care I mean I love John and I think he loves me too. I slowly pulled away.

"Um, may I ask what that was?" I ask calmly.

"Um-um I believe i kissed you." John stammers out, taking a step back.

"My dear Watson,why do you always insist on stating the obvious ? I meant what is going on here? You know I do not understand 92% of regular human actions. " I reply to the flabbergasted, but extremely adorable John Hamish Watson.

"I , I guess needless to say , I was caught off guard by your kiss , but I - I love you." John said blushing.

I grab John and kissed him . After I pulled away I said," I love you , too John. I've loved you for so long John. I know you are still going through so much with Mary and everything , but I would love to call you mine. And if -"

John kissed me , silencing my little speech.

" Sherlock , you are a very chatty man, but your my chatty man." John said and I could not stop blushing .

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