OTP (Oh The Pain)

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WARNING: this chapter might be consider  a little depressing, um not too bad, but if you need to skip I am supplying a brief summary at the bottom. -Padfoot

Sherlock's POV-

"Oh Mycroft , I didn't know that you control America now  , too." I stated sarcastically as I entered Mycroft's office.

"Ah yes, well it wasn't hard,  actually England's always basically owned America . Now to important business , how are you feeling? Physically? " Mycroft asked.

"Fine. Fine! Wh-what?" Okay so my lying is a little off today.

"Sherlock, your not fine-"

"Yes I am! There's nothing wrong with me." I said angrily and then I just put my head in my hands , tired of this , tired.

"Sherlock, if you love  John, Scoutt, Mrs. Hudson, or me , than you need to take care of this. John doesn't even have to know, well yet anyways , he's not a complete idiot, and he is catching on." Mycroft pleaded with me and I just half lifted my head briefly and nodded , hoping Mycroft wouldn't  see my tears. There was no stopping him from seeing me shake though, I don't think I have shaken this bad since The Hounds of Baskerville case. I'll  admit it , I'm scared, no terrified, no petrified, no ,there is no word for this.
So like I said above not really depressing, but idk maybe sad is  a better adjective for it . Well anyways the chapters basically Mycroft telling Sherlock that he needs to deal with his issues.  (cancer)

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