Brother Bear

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Mycroft's POV

I just got off the phone with John Watson. He's worried about Sherlock ,but when  are we not worries  about that brother of mine.

/////////In My  Office///////////////

" So John what do you think is going on with Sherlock?"

"I'm not sure, but he's lost a lot of weight, he's  looking sickly, and he has been acting  stranger than normal lately  ." John replies and oh my, the deductions I can make from this.Either Sherlock's depress , which I doubt,  until recently he has been really happy. Or he is seriously ill. 

  And I know that I say caring is a disadvantage , but I really do love my brother and I hope for once that I am wrong .

"Mycroft," John says snapping me out of my haze, "I may not be Sherlock, or you, but I can tell by your face that this is not good. " John finishes and I regret my stupidity in showing my emotions .

"No, no John it's not that bad . Um my apologies,  I got sidetracked thinking about some horrible thing with the Americans, but Sherlock  he'll be fine . Probably just tired you know  , he's been raising Scoutt all by himself and he's just worn out." I said lying terribly, what is it with my brother that makes me so......emotional? I'm sure even an idiot like John can see straight through this.

"Okay Mycroft , I know your lying  like your pants are on fire , but I'm going to trust that  you would tell me if it was really important . I'm not stupid, as I have mention before, but I see that I'm not going to get any other information out of you, so bye. You know how to reach me if you decide to tell the truth. " and with that John Hamish Watson left the building.

Next I made a phone call .

"Sherlock , you know why I'm calling, so meet me in my office in half an hour or I swear I will have all of the British and American armed forces track you down." Yeah it's harsh love , but ,as much as it pains me to admit it, nothing's more important to me than my baby brother.

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