Chapter One

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I stand in the middle of the room, getting lectured about how I should turn my humanity back on and that enough is enough. It's been months and it's time to turn it on. If only they knew. I think to myself. It's actually on, I think. There's only one thing I think about, one thing I think I care about.  I don't know if I actually do.

"Elena?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts. "Are you even listening to me? To us?" Stefan snaps at me and I roll my eyes, picking at my nails. "No, I'm not." I say deadpanned and look up at him, crossing my arms.

"Because I have no interest in listening to you guys trying to make me turn it back on. Just, leave me alone. It's not going to work." I say sternly, looking over the room at every one of my badgering friends. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some killing to do." I say and vamp out of the room and to the door, only to be caught by Damon.

I roll my eyes and groan. "Oh come on, don't act like you don't like being this close to me." He says with cockiness clear in his voice. I push him away and turn to everybody else.

"You know what, I don't think it's still off, I'm not convinced. It's been months, I just don't believe you're still emotionless." Bonnie butts in and stands up. She walks over to me and looks me dead in the eye. Oh no.

I stare her down, doing my best to look bored and emotionless. "Oh trust me, it's off. If it was on I would tell you, because pretending to have it off would bug the crap out of me with your lectures, and your yelling at me almost all the time." I snap lowly and watch her shake her head, clearly not giving up.

"Give it up Elena, I know it's on! It has to be! After all these months." She sternly states her opinion.

"Well, not necessarily, Stefan had his off for decades, and I had mine off for decades as well. You can have it off for a long as you want," Damon says and smirks.

"Bon-Bon." He adds. Oh Damon, he just has to add in his 'charm' at the most inconvenient times. "Are we done here?" I say after it starts to become too much to handle. They all sigh and shake their heads in, disappointment I think it is.

"Ugh!" Bonnie groans loudly and shakes her head. "I just don't get it! Elena, I've known you for years, I just don't see how you could still have it off." She sits back down and runs her fingers through her short, thick bob.

I sway lightly and nod. "Well, you're just gonna have to deal with it. I'm outta here!" I vamp out of there as fast as I can and end up in the deep woods.

I sigh heavily and run my long fingers through my dark brown hair. I walk over to a big and tall tree, leaning against the bark. I slide down the tree and pull my knees to my chest. "Why can't they just leave me alone? I haven't done anything necessarily wrong." I groan and sigh loudly. I miss him I miss him so much. It hurts.


Two days pass and I get a phone call from Stefan. "Elena, I want to talk. Just meet me in the woods. I promise I won't try to trick you." he says through the phone and I nod. I know Stefan. "Fine. I'll be there soon." I say into the phone and hang up. I wish that they would just leave me alone. I sigh and head into the woods, keeping my guard up. He's bound to try something, right?

I after tracking his scent, I find him in this big open area. There stands Stefan. His hands in his jean pockets, leaning against a big tree in the middle. "Stefan." I say and cross my arms. "Elena." He says, pushing himself off the tree and stepping forward a bit.

It reminds me a bit of how Elijah and I used to greet each other. Always saying the other's name when we saw each other. "Why did you call me here Stefan? If you're thinking about convincing me to turn it back on, don't even because it's not going to work."

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