Chapter Fourteen

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I walk back into the mansion where the party is, and look around. I scan the room for Elijah and see he's talking to Hayley. I consider listening in, but I decide against it. Don't do it Elena, don't be that person, no matter how badly you want to ease drop.

I walk over to the bar and order a Bacardi and coke. I sip on it and shake my head at my thoughts. I'm getting sick and tired of this back and forth nonsense.  I roll my eyes and set my glass down.

I turn around and walk over to Elijah and Hayley. "I don't mean to interrupt." I say a bit sweetly. "Elijah, I'm heading home." I say and walk away.

I make it to the door and feel a tug on my arm. "Wait, why are you leaving so early?" he asks with a small look of disappointment. "I'm not in the party mood anymore." I simply say and sigh. He nods after a few seconds and clears his throat, shifting a bit.

"Well, let me take you home." He raises and eyebrow with a bit of a smirk on his face.

I bite the inside of my cheek and sigh, contemplating it. "Okay." I say quietly. He grabs his keys and leads me to the car. He opens my door and I get in, putting my seatbelt on. Elijah gets in and starts his car.

I examine it briefly and smile a bit to myself. I can see him driving something like this, because of his class, but because of his old fashioned attitude and moral code, it confuses me a bit.

He pulls out of the driveway and starts driving down the smooth pavement.

As we drive down the road and make a few turns, Elijah gets a call. "Aren't you going to get that?" I ask, seeing he's ignoring it. He shakes his head and glances at me briefly. "Not while I'm driving. Can you look at the caller I.D. for me?" he asks and hands me his phone from out of his jacket pocket.

I take the phone into my hands and look at the brightly lit screen as it vibrates. The caller I.D. reads, "Hayley." I bite the inside of my lip and look up. "It's Hayley." I say quietly and watch him as he takes his phone back and pulls over. "Hello?" he says into the phone as he answers it.

A part of me feels a slight pain go through me, like jealousy.

"Okay, I'll be there after I'm done dropping Elena of." He says and swallows hard. I decide to listen in and hear her say,

"Why are you driving her home? She can walk. Hell, she can swoosh back there." Well, okay then. "Hayley please." He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'll see you when I get back." He says, not giving her a chance to protest, he hangs up.

He puts his phone back and pulls back onto the road. "I apologize for that, Elena." He says and rests his hand on the shifter.

I'm tempted to hold his hand, but I know I shouldn't. "It's okay, honestly." I say and look out the window.

After driving for a few minutes, we get to my apartment. "Thank you for the ride." I say as he helps me out of the car. He nods and smirks a bit. "It was my pleasure." He whispers and kisses the top of my hand.

We walk to my door and I sigh as I get my key out. "Well, goodnight." I whisper and unlock the door, opening it slightly. He nods and looks into my eyes. The moonlight reflects in his eyes, making them darker than usual. His hair is still perfectly combined like usual. There's never a hair out of place on his head. Oh how you would kill to run your fingers through it. My subconscious throws at me.

Suddenly, our foreheads are resting against each other's. I bite my lip as I look into his dark eyes, then to his lips. I catch him staring at only my lips and I finally decide.

I step forward, closing the gap between us, connecting our lips. Immediately he reacts but instead of pulling away, he holds my waist and pulls me closer. Our lips move together perfectly, and I feel sparks shoot around in my stomach.


It is so short, I know. but, I wanted to give you guys something. THEY FINALLY KISSED! To be honest I was re writing this. I has them kissing, then I was like nah lets save that, but then I decided that you guys deserve it because I'm probably the worst updater. I'm working on the next chapter now, so look for that!


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