Chapter 8 : A dream

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Hey guyss~~ ^~^ i'm really sorry for not updating for more than one week! Well then, here's chapter 8! Hope you like it! :)

Tomorrow's the field trip, and it's already nine o'clock. I have to wake up early tomorrow. I checked my things to bring for tomorrow. I better sleep now. I thought. Then i slept.

*Rustle rustle...*

Hmm? What's that? I looked to the clock and it's one in the morning. Must be my imagination..
*Rustle rustle..* then i felt a magical presence. I went to my battle stance. "Who's there? Come on, i know you're there!" I said. Then a fairy-like creature appeared. "What the!?" I exclaimed.

"I'm Rina, pleased to meet you, miss Yuka." She said.
"... are you a fairy? And what's up with miss Yuka?" I said while trying to hold my laugh. "Yes i am, i'm from the fairy world and i'm here to request you to do something for our king, the fairies king" she said. "Hmm... and what is it?" I asked.
"It's to find this book, the record book of the kings, it's really precious to us fairies." She explained while giving me a picture of it. "It seem valuable to the world of fairies, how can i trust you that you're from his majesty?" I said. She then showed me an emblem of a crown being surrounded with stars. "This is an emblem that only the king can give to someone. Other fairies can't do it because it really uses a big amount of magic" she said.

"Ok, well, where will i find it?" I asked. "It'll be in your field trip, but i don't know the details though" .... "Then how am i going to find it?" I said. "Because we believe that you're the Yuka so you must have the power to imagine having the locating magic..? You could locate the book" She said, smiling. "Okay then.."  "You can summon me after you find the book just by yelling my name, okay?" I just nodded. "Well then, thank you so much for your understanding!" She bowed. "It's okay, now i have to sleep, bye!" I said. Then i slept again.

~Time skip : the next day~

*RING RIINGG* "argghh.. It's morning already!?" I exclaimed, then i turned my alarm off. I then showered and dressed up for today. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast. "Ruri-chan~~ i'll miss youu~~" mom said while hugging me. Which was really out of character for her. "Hahaha it's only for three days mom" i said trying to calm her down. "Then i'll be going now mom! See you again in three days!" I said. "Bye Ruri! Be careful on your way!" Mom said.

Then i went to my school, and greeted my friends. I gave my bags to the teacher and went to Ryu.
"Yo Ryu! You wouldn't believe what happened last night!" I said. "What?" He said while munching on his bread. "A fairy asked me to do a request from the king of fairies!" I sais getting excited. "You're lying right?" He said not believing. "Nope! The request was to find a record of the kings somewhere in Kyoto. You can come if you want! But don't invite anybody else beside us or else Rina, the fairy from last night will be mad with me" i said. "Hmmm.... Okay then! You gotta prove it to me that you met a fairy" he said, smirking. "But when will we find it? We can't do it in the morning 'cause the others will try to find us.." I said. "Then let's find it in the night!" Ryu said. "..okay then" i said.

"Okay everybody! Please line up! And go inside the bus! We'll be going to the airport in a while!" Urara sat with Hikari and Harper sat with Ichiro. I was left behind 😭. So i sat with Ryu. I didn't know anybody else here. "Hey Ryu, can i sit with you?" I said. "Sure! But make sure you bring enough food for us.." He said while smirking. I just sighed and sat beside him. "Can i sit with you on the plane too?" I asked. "Of course!" He replied. I just smiled. After a few hours, we were already at the airport, then we boarded in. We sat on our seats, and waited for the plane's departure. I was feeling sleepy so i slept. The trip was 6 hours long, so i slept well.

Ryu's P.O.V

Hmm.. Ruri was a little quiet than usual, so i looked at her and she was sleeping. I remembered when we were little, we used to sleep together, and i really missed that face. Sometimes, i drew something on her face and took a lot of picture. She then moved and put her head to my shoulders. "Ryu...." Ruri said, must be dreaming about me.
I blushed a bit. Wait, why am i blushing? Then i saw Harper and Ichiro giving me the evil matchmaking face. I ignored them and went to sleep too.

Ruri's P.O.V

I dreamt something. It was really black and i was standing in the middle of nowhere. Then, the darkness was swept away and was replaced by a night sky. But when i look around, i noticed that i now am standing in the middle of destroyed buildings and rocks. The sky turned to red. Then i woke up by the giggling of my classmates. "Eh? What's wrong?" I sadi, dumbfounded. Then Harper gabe me her phone. There was a picture of me and Ryu sleeping. I was resting my head on his shoulder and he on my head. I blushed really red then i turned to Ryu and he was now resting his head on my shoulder.
"Mmh.. What is it? are we there yet?" Ryu said, waking up. "About 2 hours more i guess." I said.

Then a stewardess came to us. "Hello ma'am, what would you like to eat, chicken or fish?" She said.
"Fish please" i said. "Chicken please" Ryu said. "Okay, what about the drinks, water, juice, or soda?" The stewardess said. "Water" "soda"
Then she gave us our food.

~ to be continued ~

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