Chapter 12 : The book of records

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Ruri's POV

I woke up by the blinding sunlight from the windows. I twisted my head to the leftand saw Harper still asleep, peacefully. Then i rolled over to my right. I saw Sou-sensei, reading a newspaper.

Then he noticed me that i was already awake. "Oh, you're up, Ruri" he said with a warm smile. "What.. Happened?" I said, half awake. "It seems that your magic power was below average this morning. Harper's magic power was also low. This concerns me. Did anything happened last night?" He said. "Uhm.. well.." Then i told Sou-sensei what happened. "Well.. you guys should be more careful next time, okay?" He said. "So, where are the others?" I asked. The room was empty other than us three. "Oh, they're already on the third destination. You can join them later if you want.. Just rest a bit more." He said.

"Uh.. what..?" Harper is now awake.
"Oh, hey Harper! You're awake." I said. "Here, you guys. Eat first" Sou-sensei gave us food from breakfast. Then we ate a lot. Like, a lot. Of course.. Our magic power were drained. How could we not be hungry? "So, Ruri, what happened?" Harper asked. I explained to her what Sou-sensei had said. Then we packed ourself to catch up with the others.

~ After a few minutes ~

"Heeeeeyyyy! You guuyss, wait up!"     I shoutef on the top of my lungs while we were running.
"You Ruri! What took you so long?" Ryu said while grinning his usual one. "Hmph" i shrugged. "Ruri-san, Harper-san! Are you guys alright?" Hikari said. "Mhm!" We both nodded. "So.. What happened?" Urara said. "I'll tell you later. Now let's have some fun!" I said ambitiously.


We went to a museum of books. Record books. "Goshh.. Do we really have to be here? It's so booring~" i said. It is hella boring here. The only thing that we see here is, record books!! It's not even a knowledgable  kind of book! "Yeah.. I know. Can't we just skip it and go back to the hotel sensei?" Urara said. "If you want a zero on your participation score, you can leave now Urara." Sou-sensei said. We just sweatdropped. Participation score is kinda important. It'll doubt your exam grade.

Then it hit me. That fairy... What was her name again? Rena? Runa? Oh, Rina. She said i have to summon her if i see the record book here.. I'll find it. Then i used my locating magic to see if the book is really here. It really is here. "Guys, i'm going to go the bathroom for awhile, okay?" I said. They just nodded. I then walked to the direction where the book is. Then i put a barrier around the book an ne, and summonded Rina. "Whoa! You already found the book? That was fast!" She said. "So this is it?" I said. "Yeah.. Let's just teleport the owner of this museum here." She said. Then suddenly a light formed infront of me. The light faded away and there he was, the museum owner.

"Hello mister, you must be the owner of this musem. I'm Rina of the Royal Fairy World, Treva." Then she showed him the emblem on her right shoulder. "I am here to take this Record book. I was told to do it by the our majesty King Joaqs. I'm sure you've heard of it." She continued. The man kept silent. Then he just openend the glass that surrounds the book, and gave it to Rina. "Thank you for your understanding mister." Rina said while bowing. I bowed too. Then i dispelled the barrier and stood there silent. "Well that was easy.." I said. "Haha, yeah!"

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