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*Malbi's POV

I had been in the palace for a week. Always my face was covered and I always steered clear of Asim and his father. As I walked down the hallway someone grabbed my arm. I gasped as I was put against the wall. My eyes met with Asim's mothers. "My queen." I said bowing. She lifted me up "No! You do not bow to me." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows "What do you mean?" I asked. The queen smiled "Darling.....darling that iyou...?" She asked. My heart raced and eyes widened. Asim's mother loved me dearly, but I was still afraid. "I'm sorry miss...I know not who you speak of." I said. The queens eyes fell "I'm sorry . I have been terribly mistaken." She said. I sighed "What was she like....this Malbi you speak of?" I asked. The queen smiled "She was a kind,gentle, and shy girl. Malbi always obeyed the son Asim loved her dearly." She said. My heart sank at the thought of Asim. It really was him, but he could not know it was me. "Thank you my queen." I said bowing. Then I quickly adjusted my mask and fled to the city.


As I walked the village streets people stared. Each and everyone in the town had a look of discuss. As I walked a small boy ran into me. He fell down and had tears in his eyes. He couldn't be but only 4. I smiled underneath my mask a carefully picked him up. "Are you alright little one?" I asked wipin his tears away. He nodded with a slight smile. "Do you need me to help you find your mamma?" I asked. The boy nodded and I sat him down. He took my hand and we walked te streets. Suddenly a scream rang out. The boy was jerked from me and a woman glared at me. "Exotic! Exotic!" She screamed pointing at me. People began to mumble and shout surrounding me. My heart raced as I backed away. Never had I been so afraid in a long time. Soon small stones were thrown at me. "Kill her!" Someone shouted. Soon rocks were thrown harshly at me left and right. One hit my head and I fell to the ground. Another hit my eye. After what seemed like forever the rocks stopped coming and everything got quiet. When I opened my eyes I saw a pair of sandals, then a royal dark blue tunic, and then Asim himself. I lowered my head "Sire, I am sorry. I did not mean to-" he cut me off. "Enough." He said. He crouched down to my level. Sternness still in those familiar dark eyes. As soon as he got close to me his expression changed. It turned gentle and caring. He outstretched his hand to me and I took it. He cradled me in his strog arms and helped me to my feet. He then looked at the crowed with a scowl. "If I am to be future king you must all understand something. We will treat everyone as an equal and punishments will be under the authority of the palace. Madame Maat will not be harmed again or else it is me you will answer to. Understood?!" He shouted. Everyone quickly nodded then dispersed. Quickly I pulled away and bowed "Thank you sire...I owe you my life." I said. Asim came over and lifted me up "No need to thank me. Just keep your nose out of trouble." He said flatly. "Come with me." He said. I nodded and followed behind him with my head down. As I looked around at the scowling people I became afraid. Asim then put his arm around me and pulled me close giving the towns people an evil look. I sighed a breathe of relief. I had been rescued.

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