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*Asim's POV

Once in the palace I took her to a room. "Leave us." I commanded the guards. They left and closed the door. "Sit." I told her. Quietly she sat with her head down. I gave her a glance as I got a clothe and bowl of water. Slowly I walked back over and sat across from her. "Here....let me see." I said reaching for her hands. Both of them were scraped where rocks had skid off and bruised. "Sire, I'm fine really. You do not have-" I cut her off. "With all respect... Please do not tell me what I can and can not do. No ones making me help you." I said. I could I must have said it a little to harshly. "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to snap." I replied. She shook her head "It's fine sire." I sighed "Asim." I said. She furrowed he eyebrows "Excuse me?" I smiled "You may call me Asim." She nodded. "Why do you insist that I stay here? Everyone, your father included hates me." I sighed. "I knew a girl once, she was my best friend. She was murdered in front of me when I was 13. She was ten." I looked away from her before she could see the pain in my eyes. "You remind me of her." A gentle hand then rest on mine I turn to her and her eyes are crinkled which indicates her smiling. "What I would give to see that smile." I say. She then looks down without an answer. I finish cleaning off her hands then look at her eye. I go to remove the mask but she jerks away. "What is the matter?" I ask. She looks away "If you were to see my face. You would hate me." I felt confused "Are you scarred?" She nodded "Yes, but not on my face." She said clutching her stomach. "Thank you for your service Prince Asim, but I must be going." She said then fled from the room. I sighed and looked down. Something is odd about this.

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