Cat Fight

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*Malbi's POV

I paced in my room with worry. My hair hanging down and I ran my hand through it. My heart felt like it would explode from my rib cage. "What if Asim dosen't want it? What if the Pharaoh finds out? What if when it's born the Pharaoh kills him...or her?" My mind raced back and forth until I heard someone. I gasped to see Asim. No one was around and he walked over wrapping his arms around me and planting little kisses along my jaw and lips. I giggled and breathed in his scent I missed. For a moment I forgot what the Pharaoh said entirely. "Iv'e missed you." he whispered. I smiled "Iv'e missed you." I looked into his hazel eyes shining and his smile. Feeling my heart sink and the fear coming back I rested my head on his shoulder hugging him around his waist tightly. He then wrapped his arms tighter around me resting his cheek on top of my head. "My love, what is the matter?" he asked. For a moment I was silent. It was so silent I thought I had gone deaf. My heart beat was in my ear's and a tear went down my cheek as my eyes closed. I shook my head "I can not say." He pulled back and gripped my shoulder's lovingly. His eyes met mine "Malbi, love, I love you. You can tell me anything. Just as when we were children." With my lip and body shaking I began to weep "Asim..........I-I'm sorry I didn't.........I'm frightened and I.......I know that.....oh Asim...!" I weeped. He then held me to him " Malbi....what brings you so much sadness and fear?" I sniffed and closed my eyes "Asim....I'm......I'm with child." I mumbled whispering the last part. Both of us were still. Asim unmoving like he was paralyzed. I then began to cry more "I'm so sorry Asim...!" He then pulled me from him and he gentley grabbed my face. I saw his face with his eyes shining and filled with tears. A smile on his lips "Oh Malbi! Do not shed tears of fear.....tears of happiness. Whatever will come of this will only be good." I shook my head "How? We are not wed nor will we ever be because of the Pharaoh. If he finds out he will kill our child...!" Asim leaned in and kissed me with such love and warmth it seemed the fear washed away.

*Asim's POV

The next night we were all sitting there at the dining table. I could see Samoa looking at me with her dark brown eyes. Farther down the table was Malbi,then mother, and then father at the head of the table. Whenever father was around I had to steer clear from her as much as possible. "Son, the time is drawing nearer for you to choose your bride."father said. Looking up at him I glanced from Samoa to Malbi. "Maat and Samoa are both wonderful women, but I have come to my decision, yes." Before I continued father stopped me "Good, I trust that your decision is a wise one." he said cooly glaring at me. I nodded "Yes sire." All of us were silent and I looked up at Malbi. Her blue eyes staring down at her plate not eating. Her brown hair braided down her back and her green dress clinging to her shoulder's.

"So, Asim, have you alway's had an eye for the exotic's?" Samoa asked out of the blue. Looking over at her she smiled widely and I could tell she was wanting to cause trouble. Looking back at my father he glared at me waiting. Closing my eyes I knew I couldn't express true feeling here. It would only cause trouble. "Not particularly, no. They were people whom once lived here and no longer belonged so father took care of those people." Samoa nodded and smirked turning to Malbi "So, Maat, what do you think? Was that an unjust thing for your people to be slaughtered? And if so then why are you here now?" she asked. Meeting Malbi's saddened and angry eyes she looked at Samoa "I lived because I was smart enough to leave everything and everyone that I once cared about in my life behind as they did me." she hissed looking at me. "Excuse me." she replied and stood from the table walking away.


*Malbi's POV

Dinner had been finished for a while. I walked down the steps slowly feeling the cool breeze outside. Just as I was going down I felt a harsh kick to my back. With a yelp I tripped and fell the rest of the way down the steps. Quickly scrambling to my feet I looked to see Samoa standing there brushing her hair back "Iv'e been dying to do that since I laid eyes on you." I glared up at her and then smiled broadly "Aw, Samoa, I didn't know you had eyes for me." Her smirk turned to a grimace and she charged down the steps. I scrambled to my feet and greeted her face to face at the bottom of the staircase. All she did was stare me down and circle me. "I don't want to fight you Samoa, but, since you already kicked me I hope your planning to do more then stare me to death." She smirked and then jumped sending her foot at my face. I gasped and jumped back as she charged me over and over again. She grabbed the back of my dress and pulled me to the ground. I squirmed as she got on top of me. Taking her fist she began pounding down on my face. I held my arms up to block my stomach protecting Asim and I child. "Fight back! Fight! COME ON FIGHT BACK!" she screamed.

Her blows slowed until she stopped. With a busted lip, cut bleeding cheek, and black eyes I laughed. She glared at me "What's so humorous?" she asked. I smirked "I could easily have fought back, but I didn't because I exposed what you truly are." I hissed. Her eyes filled with horror and she looked up. People from the town were staring through the gate at her in disgust and shame. Her eyes then darted up to see the King and Queen looking at her. Asim then came into view "Maate!" he exclaimed. I smirked and looked at her "Even if you do become the Queen, your people will not respect you, they will not love you, but the will never forget you because of the deed you have done on this night." Her eyes went wide and she stood getting off me. Slowly with an aching body I scooted back and Asim ran down by my side. "Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded and he helped me to my feet. Automatically his eyes and hand rested on my stomach with worry. I put my hand on his "Asim......were alright."I whispered. He nodded with his eyes still coated with worry. He then turned and glared at Samoa. "Leave us, now." he said. She looked at both of us with shock at first but then the corners of her mouth almost seemed to smile. It sent a shiver down my spine and I knew this fight wasn't over.


He took the clothe placing it on my forehead. I winced but smiled "Asim, I'm fine. You don't have to do this." He shook his head "No, I want to. I want to do this." I looked down at his hand and I took it holding his hand. "I'm sorry what I said at dinner." He nodded "So am I." I smirked and rubbed his hand. I touched my cut lip and winced from it's sting. "Does it hurt?" he asked. I nodded "Yes, but, it's fine." Asim looked into my eyes "I know what can sooth your pain." I looked into his brown eyes and he leaned in placing a soft gentle kiss on my lips. And no medicine tasted as sweet.

AN:Hey, sorry it's been so long! Iv'e been busy with school and finals are coming up. Thank you all for the votes! Please comment to give me idea's of what should happen! I'm running out!

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