Where have you been?

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*Malbi's POV

Asim led me down to a secret chamber below the palace. It was about midnight or a little after. "Asim what are we doing down here?" I asked. He smirked "This is a secret place that only you and I know about." He whispered. Once at the bottom he took of his necklace. It was part of a smooth blue broken shell. I smirked and pulled out my necklace containing the other half. "So only you and I can enter in?" I asked. Asim stuck the shell on a hole and turned it. A lock clicked a d the wall slid open. "Yes." He replied. Both of us stepped in and the wall closed behind us locking again. It was a beautiful room with a nice table,lounge chairs, decorations, and a large bed. "Please, sit." Asim said. I sat down on the corner of the bed. Asim then sat next to me. "Malbi, I thought you were dead for all these years. Where have you been? How did you survive?" He asked. I sighed and closed my eyes flashing back to that night.

(8 years ago.)

I laid there tasting the blood in my mouth. I watched as Asim was being dragged away from me. "Asim...." I breathed reaching out. Soon my vision got blurry and my hand fell. I turned my head over and looked at the sky. Me being only 10 years old and dying wasn't good. If God loved me why would this happen to me? Just as I thought all hope was lost a shadow came over me and I was lifted up. Once I awoke my stomach was bandaged and I was in a bed. Apparently I was rescued by a man. His name was Truno. He was very kind and wise. He raised me and taught me everything I know. About 7 months ago....Tuno passed away. The last thing he told me was not to hide from my past, but to learn from it. Not to be afraid and face my fears. The reason I got my best friend back was because of Tuno." I said. Asim smiled an held my hand "I really missed you Malbi." He said. I smiled and nodded "I missed you." Slowly I reached up and rubbed Asim's cheek. He closed his eyes and placed his hand over mine. We pressed our foreheads together and he held my hands. "You know I still love you." He said. I smiled "I love you." He looked up at me and leaned closer. My heart began to race and I knew what was going to happen.

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