Discovered kept Secret

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*Malbi's POV

Asim was getting to suspicious. I needed to tell someone I trusted who I really am. However, there are only two people in Egypt I trust with that, and is Asim and his mother. I sat on my bed shaking. I sent for the queen to meet me here. I feared for my life and what would become if me if she betrayed me. While I sat there the queen came in. I stood and bowed. "Maat, child why did you summon me at this hour?" She asked. I sighed and shook "I'm sorry your highness, but there is something you must know." I said with my voice cracking. The queen sat and nodded. I swallowed "I lied to you yesterday. When you asked me who I was." I said. The queen narrowed her eyes "Child what ever do you mean?" I looked down and slowly took off my head wrap. My brown hair fell to my shoulders. I looked up at her and her eyes widened. My lip trembled. "I am Malbi." The queen sat in silence for a moment staring. I put my head down. Then my chin was lifted up. The queen smiled at me "My dear have come home." She said. I smiled and nodded. The queen hugged me as we both laughed. For once I was at peace. The queen pulled away "We must tell Asim!" She exclaimed. I grabbed her hand "No! You mustn't tell him!" I exclaimed. The queen sighed "Asim has been very deep in despair. Seeing you will brighten his universe." She said. I nodded "I know...just give me some time and then I will tell him. Please, I just need a little time." I begged. The queen smiled "Alright, your secret is safe with me."

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