Texting {1}

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I usually don't wake up with any messages. I'm pretty lame haha, people only text me when they need something which is ok because I love the word no. But today was different, someone actually texted me. Technically it was a Twitter message but who cares about technicalities. I sat up much to my dismay and opened up the Twitter app. I was surprised to see the message was from a Harry Styles. Who the heck names there kid Harry?! Disappointing.
When I opened the message (after I got over the fact his name was Harry) I saw the message said: "I know you may hear this a lot but you are honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen... And you're pretty fuckable." Who the heck says that kind of stuff?! It started out all sweet and sh.it but that had to happen.. Typical boy.
I put my phone down and got ready for school. "Forgetting" about the whole message situation. I'll deal with that later. I walked downstairs and saw my mom working on her paper work while drinking coffee, like usual. Don't get me wrong I love my mom and all she does for me but I wish she would just take a break and go out and have a life sometimes. My dad also agrees with me and tries his very best to make it happen.
"Good morning mother dearest" I smirked while giving her a kiss on the cheek and moving my way to the kitchen for some breakfastttttt.
"Good morning Arabella" she replied laughing and continuing to work.
Groaning in annoyance I reply "mom I've told you to call me Bella" I say with a smug face.
"Oh yea I remember something like that, but I also remember telling you not to refer to me in a way that's screaming I'm some evil monster you're plotting to kill" she retaliates with a grin knowing she's won. In stead of replying I start eating my left over Chinese food from last night.
"Ew that's gross" my dad says coming in with a sour face and kissing my mother.
"So was that but you don't see me complaining do yah beer belly" I laugh patting his stomach while walking to sit at the table. He sticks his tongue and says goodbye as he leaves for work. Which reminds me that if I don't leave soon I'll miss the bus, which honestly wouldn't be that bad. I could eat my Chinese food and binge watch supernatural and orange is the new black on Netflix and maybe text the few friends.. Wait no I can't they'll be at school. Stupid school.
"So my favorite mom, do wanna maybe, kinda, let me stay home today? Pleaseeeeee I'll love you forever!!!" I beg hugging her neck.
"Maybe if you actually made A's I would let you" she says rolling her eyes.
"Hey! I'm passing with B's and C's" like do you know how hard it is to make all A's.. Like not even Houdini himself could do that.
"Ha no. Now get to the bus stop before you miss the bus" she says while still typing away on the dumb laptop. I grab my bag and my phone and walk to the bus stop. As I'm standing there waiting my phones buzzes. Looking at the screen I notice it's another Twitter message and open it: "I know you see my message. And really rude not to reply to daddy, it makes me sad ): . Don't make daddy have to punish you." When the h.ell did he become my daddy?! I don't even know the kid but looking at his profile he's kinda hot but that definitely doesn't make him my daddy! He did not help in the process of making this masterpiece so therefore he's not my daddy.
I close my phone yet again not replying and get on the bus that finally arrive and say good morning to the bus driver and sit down. (A/N:If you ride the bus say good morning to the driver.. It makes a difference)
**************************************************************************************************************Ok so that marks chapter 1 of the story and I know it was boring and I'm sorry but the rest will be better. I don't know if you want me to pick a specific person to be Arabella or if you want to just imagine who you want but just let me know and I'll do whatever. I love to interact with you guys and know what you want so type me some questions or some request and I'll see what I can do (: love you guys!

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