Forgiveness and Wedding Plans {32}

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The next morning Harry woke me up with breakfast in bed. I know this is his way of saying sorry, but I'm not giving in this easy. I did however happily eat the amazing breakfast.

      "Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say those things yesterday. I was just so upset that you and him were getting along so well." Harry said sitting next to me.

      I didn't reply. Instead I started texting my friend bethany. I didn't want to seem like a b.itch, but he did hurt my feelings yesterday. "Can you stop ignoring me please?" Harry begged. As much as I want to just forgive him and say it's okay, it's not. And he had to realize that.

     "Arabella! Stop it! I know I made a mistake but I know it didn't affect you this bad!" He said looking at me.

    "Harry when someone tells you that you hurt them, you don't get to decide that you didn't. And you hurt me. More than you can imagine. I know you say it's a mistake and I know you're sorry, but knowing that you think of me that way hurts. A lot." I said finally looking up.

    "I know.. I'm sorry. I really am. I don't know what you want me to say!! I made a huge mistake and I love you. I really do and the fact that someone else was touching what's mine made me go insane. Bella you're mine. Forever. And I don't want anyone touching you. I know you were just helping him out during the movie, thank you for that, but honestly it hurt to see you guys holding hands. Please just forgive me baby. I need you and I hate when you're mad at me." He said kissing my neck.

      "Fineeee. I swear if you ever say anything like that to me again, you won't be getting off that easy. I love you but I hate the way you made me feel." I say kissing him.

     "One day I'm gonna marry you. Mark my words." Harry said grabbing my ring finger and kissing it

      "Hmmm. Mrs. Styles?? I like it. Arabella Styles."  Stating my options.

        "Perfect. Just like you baby girl. I'm so lucky to have someone like you in my life. What kind of wedding would you want to have??" He asked looking at me.

     "Medium size. Outside. Lots of signs and flowers. A red velvet cake tier instead of the traditional because  cake is gross and the only good one is red velvet." I say laughing at the end.

    "You're so weird. I've never heard of someone hating cake. What colors would you want?" He said playing with my fingers. I used to think that was weird when guys played with fingers. Like wtf. But when Harry does it, everything makes sense.

    "Oh hush. And gray and burgundy. I want wild flowers though. And a long sleeved dress. That would be perfect." I said thinking about it. I've had this perfect wedding planned since I was like 10. Obviously as the years progressed they became a little more realistic and adultish wedding plans. Pinterest is a life saver. Honestly. I have everything planned. Pictures that need to be taken, songs, ideas. Everything. I honestly have a board for anything you could think of.

    "Well we are gonna make that happen. Soon I hope." Harry said  OMG HE'S THINKING OF MARRYING ME LIKE WTF!! ASDFGHJKL I CAN'T.

    "A couple months and I'll be graduating." I said. I ended up just taking online school. It's easier because I get to see Harry whenever I want and the schooling is way easier. Of course I told my parents it was because I want to start joining them on the trips they go on and still be on track in school. They bought it, praise the Lord. I didn't think it was going to be that easy but I love it so much. There's so much more alone time since my parents work during the day ;).

    "Oh believe me I know. Also I need you to get off Pinterest at 3 am looking up graduation cap decorating ideas" he said rolling his eyes. I made him a Pinterest only so he can know what I want for Christmas and what kind of wedding ring I want (he thinks it's because I want more followers) gotta know how to play the game. But every time I pin, he gets a notification. Oops.

   "I do what I want when I'm poppin. Also, they're good pins." I say flipping my hair.

    "Oh whatever. I liked the ring you pinned yesterday." He said. See it's working.

   "Yea me too." I say smirking.

   "Well I would imagine." He said laughing. The rest of the day was spent with me pinning random stuff to piss him off and then finally doing school work.

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