The diner {12}

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      We are finally here. Not only was part of my shirt covered in drool but it also fell asleep half way here. "Harry wake up" I said slightly shaking him.
     "Hush I'm sleeping" Harry said turning on the other side.
      "If you don't wake up I'm leaving you" I said getting up.
      "I'm up I'm up!!" he said rubbing his eyes and standing.
      "Good because I'm ready to explore!" I said a little loudly causing some people to look over at me. Without waiting for his reply, I made my way off the plane and to baggage claim with Harry following.


     After getting our luggage we made our way outside to the car Harry had rented. FIJI IS SO FREAKIN GORGEOUS!!! I can't believe I'm here and with Harry and it's just us!
    "Harry can we just drive around and look at the place" I asked sweetly rubbing his arm.
   "Can we go eat first baby. I'm starving" he said rubbing his stomach.
    "Yea I'm kind of hungry too." I said as my stomach made a low rumble. Laughing he continued driving around trying to find a diner.
     30 minutes later we pulled up at a cute little diner on the water. I may or may not have taken over a hundred pictures during the 30 minutes. Harry of course had to complain everytime I told him to slow down so that I could take a picture. Honestly who could blame me, it's so cute here. I definitely had to take some pictures with Harry which he ALSO complained about but he'll get over it.
    "Harry can we take one more picture?" I asked with the best puppy dog eyes that I could muster up which was hat because I kept smiling.
   "Ugh. You're just so cute but only one more." He said smiling. Going close to where he was I took a cute selfie of us with the water behind us. After that we made our way inside to be seated.
   "Hey, my name is Kayla and I'll be your server. Is there only going to be 2?" a cute brunette girl said winking at us. Mostly Harry but we are a package deal soooo.
  "Yes only 2." I said trying not to bitch slap her. With the flip of her hair she led us to a booth.
   "Can I start you guess off with something to drink" she asked looking at Harry.
   "I would like a Shirley Temple, what about you babe?" I said putting emphasis on "babe" and smiling sweetly.
    Looking up at me Harry smirked noticing my jealousy and replied. "Just a Sprite please. " he said smiling.
    "Coming right up." she said walking away and obviously she had to shake her non-existing ass while walking away.
   "Why can't people just stay away from taken people. Like gheez gtfo." I said a little aggravated. 
    "Baby chill. I'm only with you so you're fine." he said rubbing my hands. He was cut off by the bitch bringing our drinks. As she came over she placed my drink on the table but then she "accidentally" split Harry's Sprite on his pants.
    "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry let me get that for you" she said rubbing a napkin on his now wet trousers.
   "Actually I got it." He said getting up and stepping around her to clean up the mess off of himself.
   "Oh ok. I'm sorry I'll get you a new drink." she said walking off. Honestly I just sat there and watched it happen. Coming back she placed the drink down and asked to take our order. Harry asked for a burger with fries which is so fucking gross like who eats burgers lol and I got chicken tenders with fries because we are both hella basic.
    The dinner was very tasty and after she asked if we wanted dessert which we declined. I think after the whole drink accident she realized it wasn't gonna work so she gave up. After paying for the bill we walked out to go explore more of Fiji.

sorry guys I've been in the hospital everyday for like two weeks but I swear I'm trying to update and I will xx

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