The Boy {14}

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Getting up to open the door took so much effort. But the guy standing there made me freeze. He was cute with his dark brown hair and brown eyes and tan skin. He was still nothing compared to Harry but he was cute.
"Hi, how can I help you?" I asked confused. I know he had to have a reason. He looked at me expectantly like I should already know.
"I'm here to see Harry." he said with a goofy smile. Harry, I guess hearing his name, got up to see what was going on.
"Hey john! what's going on??" He said walking around me and hugging John. I went back into the room leaving Harry and John to talk. I really want some ice cream. I wonder if I can order room service? If Harry can have friends here then I can have ice cream! It Seems fair.
After ordering room service I walked back to the couch to see Harry and John looking at me. Awkwardly I made myself keep walking and ignore them. They suddenly busted out in laughter. Like WTF?!
"Baby this is John, my cousin" Harry said smiling. Well that explains his good looks. It must run in the family. Speaking of family, I don't know a lot about Harry's. But anyways what is "John" doing here??
"Hi John, I'm Bella." I said reaching out to shake his hand. Instead of taking it like I expected him too, he took me into a giant bear hug. I love him already.
"Hey girl hey!" He said. So I'm going to assume he's gay by the way Harry is silently laughing in the background. "Harry she's a keeper, she smells nice! but we are going to have to do something about this dull looking hair." he said touching the ends. Wow thanks. I didn't think it looked bad. :/ But atleast I know he's for sure gay.
"Oh, um ok?" I said confused.
"Tomorrow I'm taking you and Harry out and later we can go to this big mall in town. Don't worry they have a hair salon." He said smiling. "I'm thinking maybe a red will do you good. What do you think Harry?" he said totally ignoring me and my thoughts on MY hair.
"I think that would look beautiful on her" Harry said sending a wink at me. I'm still trying to figure out why John is here. it's literally 12am.
I am startled by another knock on the door. WTF ITS LATE DO PEOPLE NOT SLEEP IN THIS TOWN!! I thought making my way to the door. Opening it reveals a man with my cookie dough ice cream with extra m&ms and a cookie. IT LOOKS FUCKING AMAZING! Oops. I guess this one is my fault.
"Thank you so much and sorry about waiting so late" I said smiling sheepishly at the man.
"No problem, it's honestly better than just sitting at the counter all night." The man said. "I'll add this to Mr. Styles check" he said before turning to leave.
"Have a good night!" I said trying not to be super loud.
"You too. enjoy your ice cream." he said continuing to walk away. Shutting the door I turned and was met with two pair of judging eyes.
"Wow. Thanks for asking if we wanted any." John said pretending to roll his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I was left to fend for myself while y'all were talking. Sucks to be you guys because I'm totally not sharing." I said taking a big spoon full of ice cream and eating it.
"Oh whatever. I have to be off anyways. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" John said before leaving. I honestly just now noticed that he didn't have an accent like Harry's. Weird. Also how did he get up here?? Eh whatever. I really don't care. If Harry isn't worried then neither am I.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I said plopping down next to Harry.
"only if you share your ice cream" He said getting a spoon from the kitchen and returning.
"Oh fine!!!" I said sadly. "Just not a lot" I said turning on a movie.
And that's how we spent our first night on vacation. Cuddled up on the couch watching The Good Dinosaur and eating ice cream.

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