The C Word {47}

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The next day me and john went to the doctor where they told me some heart breaking news. I can't even process what I just heard.

--------1 hour before.----------
"So we are going to run some test and we'll let you know in 30 minutes" the nice doctor said smiling. I can't even hide smile right now. I'd be so happy if I was pregnant. I would also be very scared that Harry would be upset. I don't think he would but I don't know.

"What are you thinking about?" John asked playing with the glove disposer. He's such a kid.

"I just hope Harry will be okay with it if I am. I think we're ready. We haven't done everything I wanted to yet, but I'd give everything up if I were pregnant." I said smiling and thinking about a perfect life with Harry.

"I know Harry, he'll be ecstatic!" John said. I didn't even know he knew big words.

"Thank you john. For everything." I said sincerely.

"No problem. That's what I'm here for." He said holding my hand. At that moment the doctor walked in.

She didn't look too happy. Maybe I wasn't pregnant. That'd be okay. Me and Harry could spend some more time together. "Sweetie I have some bad news." She said smiling sadly.

"If you're going to say I'm not pregnant it's fine. I wouldn't be upset." I said smiling so she knew I'd be okay.

"Well you're not pregnant." She said. I knew it! "But you have cancer.." she added slowly. Wtf. No I don't. I can't have cancer. I'm perfectly healthy. Like yea I eat pizza and Chinese for breakfast and ice cream for dinner but there's no way I could have cancer.

"Did you hear me?" She asked bringing me back to reality. I couldn't even form words so I just shook my head no.

"I said that it can be removed. It's a 4 hour procedure but it can be done." She said grabbing my hand and rubbing it.

"Honey are you ok?" John asked wiping my tears. Obviously I'm not okay! I've just been told I have cancer! Who would be okay after being told something like that?!

"Yea I'm fine. I just need some water." I said suddenly feeling dry inside. The lady brought me some water and continued talking.

"Of course that's something you'll have to think about and talk over but when you decide, we can start. It's just 2 small tumors that we have to get. I promise it's nothing too extreme and we have the best doctors. I know they can get it." She said smiling. How am I going to tell my parents. They'll be heart broken. And Harry! This is going to put a pause on the wedding.

"How long after the surgery do I have to wait til I'm back to myself?" I asked.

"Well it's different for everyone and it just depends on how you adjust. You're going to be in pain for a couple weeks and you'll probably feel drained and tired but you should be fine after about a month." She said kindly.

"Okay well we are going to go home and talk about it with her family and fiancé." John said pulling me up. "Thank you so much for your help." He said taking me to the car. I still couldn't get this through my head. I know you're probably like it's minor and they can get it out but this is huge for me. I've never had surgery like this before and I'm so scared that something is going to happen.

The whole car ride home was silent. I could tell John didn't know what to say. When we made it home john called everyone to the living room. I'm sure I looked deadly. I just stared blankly into space while he told them the news. I was snapped into reality by Harry's arms wrapping around me. That was my breaking point. I began to ball in his arms. This was surreal. Like this only happens in movies. This isn't supposed to happen to me. I'm supposed to have the fairytale life I dreamed of.

"My sweet girl. We'll be there the whole time. I promise you." My mom said kissing my forehead. Seeing my parents cry made me break even more and the fact the fact that I was the reason why and I couldn't stop it, hurt me.

Harry began whispering cute things to me about how he's going to be here and how much he loves me. His hands playing with my hair kind of calmed me down. I don't know how I would get through this if I didn't have these people in my life. I'm scared but I know I can make it through this.

-------it's a very small chapter but I felt horrible for not posting anything sooooo yea. 🌻🌻

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