Girls Day {28}

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     "So, what do you ladies want to do today?" I asked putting on my boots by the door. Anne has this rule about no shoes on at the house.

    "Well I'm do for a fill in, maybe we can start at the nail salon?" Gemma said looking at her nails

     "that sounds perfect because I need a pedicure!" Anne said wiggling her toes which made me cringe. I HATE feet. I don't like the look of them or anything, especially when they are moving. Harry touched me with his toe once and I almost killed them. I don't even like feet if they're in socks or shoes. Just don't put them near me.

     "Okay. We can start there and then maybe some shopping and end with dinner?" I asked walking out the door.

Once we arrived at the nail salon I decided to get a nude color for my nails since it's fall time. Anne got a dark red in her toes and nails. Gemma got a glittery pink color on her nails.

      "Bella, do you play any sports in school?" Anne asked

       "Well I did play football, but football season isn't here yet." I said.

      "That's nice. Do you think we could come to some of your games?? It's fine if you don't want us there." Anne said.

     "I would actually love that" I answered smiling like an idiot. It's been a while since someone has come to see me play. Last football season mum had surgery on her back and had to rest so she couldn't make it to any of my games and my dad had to work and help take care of my mum since she couldn't really move. I didn't mind because I know they couldn't help it, but it would be awesome to have someone in the stands cheering me on.

"Awesome! Just tell me when." She said

"Is Harry a good boyfriend, because if not I'm gonna kill him." Gemma said looking at me

   "He's honestly the perfect boyfriend. I remember meeting him on that cloudy Augustus day and I knew he was the one. Why heart knew but my brain wouldn't accept it because I wasn't ready to be heart broken again, but  touching him was like realizing everything I've ever wanted was right there in front of me. You made an exceptional son Anne. You should be proud." I said

      "Oh darling. I hope he marries you!" Anne said hugging me.

"I hope so too." I say laughing.

-----/--/-/-/-after mall and now at dinner because it was boring and a whole bunch of junk was bought but nothing significant enough to write about happened ^.^-----//

    "How was Fiji?" Gemma asked.

    "Spectacular! Id never been out of the country before so it was a great adventure." I said eating a quesadilla

    "What was your favorite part?" Anne asked.

     "The Blacksand beaches. And the food was pretty good. " I said.

    "I agree. We took a family trip up there once. It was marvelous." Anne said. "I hope after this you feel comfortable with talking to me about anything. Because I hope to be your mother-in-law soon." Anne said.

"Of course I do and I'd love that. We just have to get Harry on board." I say

  "Oh believe me he's on board" she said.
After that we spent the night talking about Harry's childhood and when they could meet my parents. It was a day well spent.


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