You approve? {21}

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       The next morning, Harry woke me up to go to my room before my parents woke up. Distancing myself from Harry was harder than I imagined. All I wanted to do was be cuddled up to him all day. That is why I decided to talk to my mom about us today. 

      Later that morning I woke my mom up to go to breakfast, just me and her. On the way there we talked about my trip and how it was while they were away. I decided now would be a good time to bring up the Harry situation.

       "soooo mom.... how've you been?" I said with a big smile.

       "What do you want this time?" she asked rolling her eyes.

       "Actually I have a question?" I said. She looked at me expectedly. "So. how bad would it be if hypothetically someone in their early twenties were dating a junior in high school." I said looking anywhere but at her.

     "Hypothetically huh?" she said smiling at me. "Well I think HYPOTHETICALLY that the person should make sure they're making the right decision and make sure that the guy is doing everything in their power to make the girl happy and isn't just looking for sex." she said looking at the Cracker Barrel that we came up to.

    "oh he's not!" I said to quickly.

    "Hmm so there is a guy. and I'm assuming it's Harry?" she said walking up to the lady to give her our name.

      "Noooo. Where would you get that crazy idea mom." I said looking away from her.

      "It's okay sweetheart. I would just put off on telling your father. I might be okay with it but your father on the other hand..." she said.

    "I know.. I really like him though and he treats me well and he doesn't act like I'm a kid. he's perfect in every way I can think of and I'd really like it if I could have your blessing." I said smiling at her

     "Of course Bella. I just want you to be happy and if Harry makes you happy then that's all that matters. " she said looking back down at her menu.

    "I think I should let Harry talk to dad. when the time is right of course." I said

   "Yea and I'll hint around it to see how he reacts to it and I'll let you know." she said smiling.

    "thank you so much mom! you're the best." i said grabbing her hand.

    "Yea yea. I know" she said smirking.

      I texted Harry telling him that my mom knows and she's okay with it, but to not mention it to my dad. He was ecstatic just knoWing he had atleast one of my parents approval. He was however very scared to have to tell my father. I told him I would be there and there was nothing to worry about. I of course knew that wasn't the case but I think he'll do just fine.

sorry it took so long. I went to help out at a camp and then I had to work which I am right now hopefully no one here reads this book. that would be hella embarrassing lol but I promise I'll update soon. I love you guys!! please don't be mad

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