... Randomness

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Jiyong was sucking on it. His tongue all over it until juices leak on his hand. You just sit and groan. 

"Oppa.. Why.." You say moaning

Jiyong ignores you and begins sucking with pleasure even more he begins slurping

"Why me! Why do you have to torture me"! You moan again

He still ignores you and licks deeper in. You moan 

"I can't stand this.. Oppa stop." 

He stops 

"You have to share the Popsicle! You never saved me any! You just sat there and ate it while making very  disturbingly weird noises.. Oppa you're torturing me!" You yell

You really wanted the last Popsicle 

He laughs

"Jagiya, there's another one in the freezer outside"! He says laughing 

"That's not nice! You hid the ice cream away"! You said like a kid

You punch him on the shoulder and make your way outside to the freezer and grabbed the Popsicle 

"My Jagiya is so cute"! He said while pinching your cheek 

"Keyopta"! He says smiling 

You couldn't resist his smile

You kiss him on the cheek 

"Thanks oppa, for the Popsicle"! You say smiling


Aha what were you thinking before it was a Popsicle? Lol dirty minds.. :D XD

BIGBANG imagines and scenarios (mostly GD and Taeyang)Where stories live. Discover now