Reader x Bill - Just another

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All your life you've lived in Gravity Falls. You've seen extraordinary and sometimes even scary things there. But the one that takes the cake of it all is Bill Cipher, the all knowing dream demon. Ever since he found out you were one of the symbols on his cipher wheel he's been following you around like a love sick puppy. Not that he was one...yet.

A screaming head puffed next to you, yet you were the only one to hear it besides Bill.

"Ugh, Bill. I'm working can't you bother me later?" A groan escapes your lips as you stopped sweeping the floor. No one knew of Bill or could see him because he only made himself visible to you, so sometimes you had to be careful talking to him.

"Sorry sweet cheeks, but I like annoying you~" He cooed floating on his flat back. Still the head screamed on while you were there rubbing your temples.

"Can't you do it another time?"

"Hmm, no. This is almost as funny as pain, unless you want me to take over Pine tree and have a little fun with him," You swore if was in his human form he would be smirking his little Dorito ass off.

"No-no, never mind, just don't touch them,"

"Fine, but that means you get more fun with me," He said, almost with a hint of joy. You were a bit relieved that he wouldn't take over their bodies, but also a bit more stressed since you worked at the Mystery (S)hack. You didn't want to make of a fool of yourself and maybe even get fired.

After a while of cleaning and helping out (scammed) customers Bill had finally pushed you over the edge. Sure you could take a lot of things but this one pushed you on the last straw.

"You know (Choice of symbol), do you like any body?" Bill asked, which made your face tint a familiar cherry red. Luckily no one was around, or else it would look weird for you to just blush randomly.

"N-No, I don't," You lied, you if fact did like some one. But sometimes he was too stubborn to realize it.

"That's too bad. I thought you and Pine tree would hook up." Bill seemed to grit that through his teeth as if he hated the idea. And you seemed to notice it.
This and what he said took you by surprise. You and Dipper were good friends, very close. You both solved mysteries together, deciphered codes, and sometimes go monster hunting.
But never would you ever think of hooking up with him. You considered him like family.

"That's ludicrous, I would never-" You began to stutter.

"Liar, I'm reading your thoughts, and I must say they are quite...scandalous" Bill sighed. Once a few moments of silence have passed you spoke out.

"Bill....are you jealous?" Your words took Bill into a state of shock. Was he jealous? Or was it just because you didn't want to spend time with him? I mean Bill does have his own way of showing, affection. So it's easy to read him differently.

"No, I'm not jealous, I don't even know what that means." Bill floated around you in circles.

"I guess you're right Bill," You paused, deciding to have a bit of fun with him, "You are totally jealous." You snickered. Bill took this quite shocked, he stopped mid air and his usual yellow color turning into a brink pink. It was almost the color of Mabel's sweater if you know what I mean.

"I-I am NOT Jealous!" He fumed, turning even pinker. You went closer to him, pulled him by his right arm and looked him dead straight in the eye. His pupil was everywhere expect on your face.

"You're not making eye contact with me Cipher..." You said quietly, narrowing your eyes. You could see him start to sweat drop.

"I, uh, I, um-" He said stammering, but then you grabbed him by the sides and planted a kiss slightly above his bow tie. Bill watched you with wide eyes as his whole shade of pink went to a reddish hot pink.
He liked this feeling, he liked a lot more than pain. In fact he loved it and wanted more of it. And it seemed as if you could only provide this feeling to him.




From the corner of the entryway frame there two people watching.
One very confused Dipper who was making a puzzled expression and a swooning Mabel who adored this moment. I guess only Mabel could tell who it was...

After all, you did confess to her of your love for Bill a couple of weeks ago....

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now