Baby! Reader x Human! Bill

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Requested by: og_madi_cipher_oni
Sorry if it's not what you wanted...


A lot of strange things began to happen ever since Bill changed his appearance to look human. You had to buy him clothes, you had to feed him, you had to teach him how to take care of his body properly, and most of all, you had to deal with whatever magic spewed out of him when he didn't know how to control it.

More recently, you had been hit with a spell that turned you back into a baby. A small, innocent, helpless little child. Bill didn't know what to do with you. Quite frankly, he was an idiot when it came to human nature. So taking care of a baby wasn't really his forte.

"(Y/N) Please stop screaming!" Bill tried to drown out your cries by holding covering his ears with his hands.

You were on the floor, sitting there, crying like a baby, which you were at moment. Just a second ago you were reading when suddenly Bill came in shouting about sparkly magic coming out his hands. Soon enough before you could help him a beam of pink rocketed out of his finger, hitting you, thus turning you into a child again.

"Now I know how people feel when I give them screaming heads!" Bill somehow said over all the crying. The sobbing was getting louder and louder. Not good at all. The shack were having tourists.

"Ugh, Bill could you please stop that racket!" Mabel's voice boomed as she walked into the room to investigate, "Why is there––Oh my gosh iS THAT A BABY!?"

Mabel went over to your tiny form, bundled around your over-sized clothes. She picked you up, wrapping your small frame with your huge hoodie. Instantly, at Mabel's touch, you calmed down.

All the tears and wailing simmered down and transformed into coos. Bill stood amazed as Mabel cradled you. Despite Mabel being a childish person at heart, she had her moments when she became serious...or motherly.

"Where'd she come from?" Mabel looked at Bill, "Wait, don't tell this (Y/N)?"

Bill gave her a shy nod.

"Oh man, this is very bad!" Mabel whisper-yelled, careful not to wake you, "I don't know how to take care of a baby!"

"Well, it seems like you can Shooting Star!" Bill quieted down his voice.

"Yeah but only calming down one! I had to do that to Dipper as a kid! I don't know anything else!"

"Then what do we do?!" Bill and Mabel both panicked, but not big enough to the point where they could wake you. Not a second later you mumbled and shifted in the hoodie. Mabel shoot Bill a look, mostly a huge worried frown.

"Here! You take her! I gotta go meet Candy and Grenda, maybe they can help sort this out!" Rushed, Mabel handed you over to Bill. Not ready to handle the baby, Bill almost dropped you. Thankfully, he caught you just before he did.

"W-What!? Shooting Star don't you dare leave me!" Bill called to Mabel as she left the room.

Unfortunately, his voice awoke you. At first, it was few small whimpers but they grew into bawls. Tears fled down your soft cheeks as you cried and you batted your arms around, squirming in the hoodie. Bill couldn't do anything but hold you there and try to not let his ear drums bleed.

'I don't know what to do! Please just make it stop...' Bill mentally screamed. He began to think of possible ways to appease your cries. After a moment, he got one idea that just might work. Sadly, he might lose his dignity. 

Slowly Bill began to rock you back and forth in his arms, slowly hushing your crocodile tears.

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Bill's gonna buy you an absurd bird," He sang quietly.

"And if that absurd bird isn't free,
Bill's gonna buy you a journal three," By now your eyelids were droopy and your breath slowed its pace.

"And if that journal three turns to ash,
Bill's gonna break the rift made of glass," After this verse you were put to rest, also putting Bill to ease as he continued the song.

"And if that rift of glass gets broke,
Bill's weirdmageddon will invoke."

"And if weirdmageddon lets me down
You'll still be the sweetest baby in town."

Finally, Bill had peace and quiet. Never in his life did he ever think he would have to sing. Then he stared at your serene face. You had chubby, rosy cheeks, a button nose and the cutest smile on your lips.

"Heh, you're not so bad when you're asleep." Bill spoke too soon.

Suddenly the door slammed open, in came Mabel with Candy and Grenda. Once again, you were awoken. And so, Bill had to sing the whole song again just to get you to stop. When you fell back asleep everyone set up a makeshift crib and took shifts watching over you.

Gratefully, at the end of the day, while you were asleep, the spell wore off and you were back to your normal self. Though the next morning Bill found you oddly singing quietly to yourself. 

It was the exact same song he sang.  

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