Henchwoman! Reader x Human! Bill Cipher

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Requested by: ajpartyjam


I hope this fits what you wanted?

This is probably the dirtiest thing I've ever written....and it's not even a lemon...
I hope you like it! Anyway, onto the one-shot!~

You did whatever your Master told you.

If he wanted the teeth of a deer, so be it. If he wanted information on a certain person, you would get it. If he wanted to drink of the sweetest waters of the universe only a pure soul could obtain, you would travel to the ends of the galaxy to find it for him.

In a sense, you were like his pet, but with privileges. You would do anything for him even die. But luckily that fate couldn't happen. The spell and magic he put on you was too strong. Not a bullet could touch you and no blade could slash you. Death could not have you.

You owed him a great debt. Without your master, you wouldn't even be alive. For that, you paid every expense to please him.

"(Y/N), fetch me a bath, all that slaughtering has left me dirty with blood."

You nodded your head, quickly rushing to the grand master bedroom to start his bath. As you dashed past your Master, you noticed he was covered in head to toe with crimson splatters and stains. It was all over him, there wasn't a clean spot on him.

'It must have been brutal...' You thought, pushing open the huge doors of his bedroom.

Inside everything was elegant. A big bed with night stands awaiting on each side, a high ceiling with a white chandelier with bones made of his enemies, and a desk crowded with works and old enchantments.

'I wonder who he fought this time...'

With a swift pace, you went into the bathroom, setting up everything needed for your Master's bath. Pretty soon the whole room was foggy with steam and filled with the fresh scent of pine. Your Master always liked having that smell, it reminded him of the forest.

After the bath was set you went back to the bedroom to see your Master already stripping off his armour. It was all gold. He liked that metal most despite it not the best at defence.

You ran to his side, rushing to help him take off all the armour. Piece after piece it all came off. When he was still dressed in his casual clothes underneath. A yellow suit tailored to perfection, and a black bow tie to match.

'He looks nice today even if he just came back from a battle...' You thought, instantly your face flushed. Your master noticed this and smirked but you didn't see it.

When all the armour was off you also began to strip off clothing until your Master was in his undergarments.

"Thank you, I'll be fine on my own," He said before stalking off to the bathroom.

You smiled and nodded your head, letting yourself bend down to pick up the armour. It would have to be washed and waxed for the next battle. A task that would most likely take up the whole day. Despite that, you didn't mind. You were about to leave when your Master suddenly poked his head out of the doorframe.

His head was covered in his gold locks, they fell nicely over his black eyes and curved around his jawline. You had to admit that there were some times when you found him to be handsome, and in a romantical way.

"Silly me! After half an hour could you bring me my clothes, I'll be going out tonight," He informed and closed himself back into the bathroom.

You nodded your head, continuing to pick up the pieces of armour. It was quite heavy, but nothing you couldn't handle. With the armour in hand, you walked out of the room, waddling like a duck.

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now