Neko!Reader x Bill Cipher - Hide & Seek

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Requested by CreepyPasta_Addic

Okay, onto the one-shot!:

You laid asleep in a tree curled into a small nook. You were laying front first on a tree branch, you hands were tucked underneath you while your were legs shifted outwards. You had a smile on your lips and every so often your ears would twitch due to the breeze. Everything was so relaxing, the glow of the sunlight, the small breeze that ran through your hair, even the quiet chirps of the birds calmed you.

And that's why he had to ruin it. He hated seeing perfect peace, he wanted beautiful chaos and panic, and he wanted to see you in it. So maybe that's why he disturbed you.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" You shot up instantly. The shriek sounded like a dying man. A head of (H/C) whipped around to spot out any signs of danger. Your whole body shook and you moved backwards, your hand had slipped on the edge and now you were falling.

"No!" A cry came out. Your eyes were wide and afraid. The cream tank top you were wearing fluttered around you and so did you hair, it covered your eyes. If you couldn't see then you couldn't land. Not to mention the tree was very tall, around over 20 feet, and if you fell backwards if would cause hell. You would either die or break a few bones. You closed your eyes waiting for the impact to happen, but it never did.

Instead of hard solid ground hitting your body you felt as if you were floating like you were almost in nothing. Your eyes opened and around you was a field of yellow magic, it sparkled like glitter. A sigh escaped your mouth.

"Whew, I thought I was going to die..."

"Oh hang in there, you're not 87 yet Kitten." A techno voice rang around you. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. The voice came from behind you.

"Aw, don't be so shy there! I won't bite I promise, just turn around..." Hesitant you slowly turned around. You half expected a human to be there but nope! There was a yellow shaped triangle with a top hat, one eye and a bow tie. If it was possible the hair already on end would be sticking up straight as a board right now.

"AHHH!" You screamed. The triangle gave you a poker face.

"Guess I was kind of expecting that..." He sighed, "Hey, hey, calm down there Kitten." He put his hands in front of him. You stopped screaming and just stared at him. He stared at you and you stared at him. It was an awkward but somehow filling silence.

"Heh, now I see why people hunt you. You really are...pretty..." He came a bit closer and you backed away. But since the magic was surrounding and holding you couldn't really move. Before the strange creature could come any closer you spoke.

"Um, could you please let me go? I promise I won't bother you again. I'm sorry if I was-like, um, on your property or something!" You squirmed a bit. The triangle did nothing.

"Okay. I'll let you go, but on one condition." The triangle put a single finger up to the mention the condition. You gulped and your ear flicked back to show you were scared.

"O-Okay, what's t-the condition?" You stammered.

"Oh don't worry it's nothing big! Just a small game..." A sudden dark aura surrounded the both of you," If you win I'll let you go and won't bother you again, but if I win you'll have to do something for me." He said simply, but it was more complicated. Mainly because even if you won or lost he would still let you go.

"So do you want to play?" He asked, putting his black arms behind his back.

"S-Sure?" You said, but it came out more of a question.

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now