Child! Reader x Bill - Lost

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Bill was casually minding his own business in the forest of Gravity Falls when his arm was pulled. Quite confused he looked down and saw a small human there.

The child was unlike any meat sack Bill had seen before. Soft (H/C) hair, flawless skin, and bright (E/C) eyes that were crying tears. In the tiny child's arms was a toy sword and hanging on their shoulders was teddy bear backpack.

"H-Hey, Mister, I'm you where we are?"

The human was cute. That's what Bill was thinking. For once he actually thought a meat sack was cute, adorable even. Bill couldn't do anything. He was a tad weirded out by himself, and he was a demon.

"Mister?" Bill was pulled from his thought as you tugged on his arm.

"What do you want, short stack?" He asked with a bit of harshness. Bill Cipher the all knowing dream demon was not going to go soft because of some little human. He did, though, feel bad he acted like that to such a child like you. 

"Mister Triangle, can you help me find my mommy and daddy?" You asked sweetly. Bill was getting annoyed by this, not because of you but because he was actually thinking of helping you.

"Look, kid, you got the wrong demon," He floated away.

"P-Please don't leave me! I don't want the monsters to get me!" You cried and ran over to Bill, clinging to his arm. Bill shook his arm and tried to push you off.

"Sorry short stack, like I said you got the wrong demon," Bill sighed.

"I'm bad, I'm evil, stay away from me."

You gave Bill the saddest puppy dog eyes ever. Bill's eye narrowed at you.

'Don't give in, Don't give, DON'T GIVE IN,' He kept reminding himself.

Unfortunately, for him, you pouted your lip and began to cry on his arm.

"Don't weave me, the monsters will get me," You whimpered softly. Bill couldn't help but feel bad for you.

"Fine. I'll help you, now stop your blubbering." 

"Sorry," You said as you wiped away your tears.

"Mister, promise to help me find my mommy and daddy?" You asked, holding out your pinkie finger.

"Promise," Bill hooked his pinky with yours. Why was he helping you? Was he going soft? When you were done you grabbed onto his hand. Bill watched you.

"What are you doing?" He looked at the intertwined hands.

"I'm holding your hand, can I?" You asked with hopefulness. 

"Fine, whatever makes you sleep better at night," He rolled his eye.

With the two of you holding hands, Bill guided you through the woods. He knew where your house was, it wasn't very far, just a mile or two. But as you two traveled he wondered on a couple questions. How could a kid like you get lost? Were your parents even watching you?

Sometime during the walk, you began to talk to Bill.

"Mama said not to trust the creature with one eye," You started, causing a tingle of worry to shoot through Bill. How could you know that? Who were your parents exactly?

"But you're not like what she said," You looked up, smiling at Bill, "You're nice."  

If Bill could smile, he would be smiling right now.
Maybe helping this human wasn't so bad after all. 

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now