Angel! Reader x Demon!Human! Bill - Secrets

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(HELLO BOYS {and girls}


Who gets the reference gets a dedication to the next one-shot ;}

But really, I've come back with motivation! So expect more one-shots! Request are closed but as soon as a few more one-shots come out, they'll be open! Anyway, onto the one-shot!~

Requested by: nyhlakitty21 )

You were an angel. Literally.

Like all angels, you were kind, forgiving and had a pair of elegantly white wings.

Being an angel was great! You had wings for one. Another was you never got bored. Angels had all kinds of different jobs. Yours was to take the souls of the dead to to heaven. Not in your choice, you would've liked to be a guardian angel, but you did your job none the less.

Today was supposed to be a normal job. Introduce yourself as an angel, take their soul to heaven, and then go to the next person. Simple right? If only a certain demon didn't intervene with your work.

"Hello!" You greeted your human. The scenery was a hospital room. White rooms, one window, and a bed occupied with the human who recently died. His soul barely hovering on his body.

"W-Who a-are you?!" His voice quivered. You sat on the end of their bed. He was probably shocked because of your wings. You could tell since he eyed them in surprise.

"I'm here to take you to heaven, Charlie!" You responded cheerfully.

Charlie Bannister was a good man who lived and worked alone. He had a peace life, living in the same town. He was in his late 40's and was fine with being by himself. One night he was run over, he's been at the hospital ever since, and also in a coma. Finally, after his family had enough suffering and waiting so they thought it would be best to pull the plug.

"How, do you know my name?" He asked.

"I'm an angel, of course, I know your name," Charlie looked convinced and bit gloomy.

"So I'm dead, right? That's why you're here..." He said sadly. Your smile tugged into a frown. He looked up with an empty gaze.

"Yes, you died. But I'm here now, that way you can go live an even better life in heaven," You leaned over patted his shoulder. Charlie gave a weak smile.

"I'm ready to go," His almost ghost-like form moved up from his bed. He was partially transparent and floated easily.

"Okay, I'll take you to heaven, just take my—"

"Not so fast white wings."

'Great,' You thought, 'It's him.'

Much like the job you had, there were demons who came to retrieve the souls for hell. There was one demon in particular who went to take the same souls as you. You believed he did it to mess with you. And why wouldn't demons mess with angels? They hated them. Or so you thought.

Anyway, back to the jerk or demon who messed with your humans. His name was Bill Cipher. He liked to fight over the souls you intended to take to heaven. He always had reasons to why they shouldn't but in the end, you always won. This continued for a while. Even now.

'He's here, oh course! Why would he be here? Oh right, because he loves to just annoy me...' Your eyebrow twitched. You were so close to strangling him, but being an angel, you couldn't have that kind of behavior.

"Now why should he get to go to heaven? Charlie hasn't done anything good for it," Bill appeared next to you. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now