The Lost Works: Shy! Reader x Bill

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I know I said tomorrow but S HHH
and this writing is from years ago lmao

 "What's your name sweetcheeks?~" The floating triangle asked you.

Instantly your face flushed and you cowered back, letting your hair cover your face. You were never one to talk to other people. You were always the shy one, the quiet one, or the wallflower in any group. Being the center of attention gave you tingles of electricity.

"(Y-Y/N)..." You said in a small tone.

Bill watched your introverted and inward movements. Bill was planning on possessing your body but when he saw what an innocent and shy girl you were that idea was quickly thrown away. He didn't want to see scars on your flawless body or anything with you getting hurt in general.

'Heh, this meat shack is pretty cute...' He thought as he gazed at your rosey cheeks.

"Get away from her Bill!" Dipper shouted, causing Bill to mentally groan.

Pine Tree was always an eyesore and a buzzkill, as her sister claimed him to be sometimes. He was always parading into other people's business, like he was doing now.

"Yeah! Demons like you shouldn't be around angels like her!" Mabel called out and took your hand.

Your friends were very protective of you. Dipper the most out the twins. Ever since you arrived here to visit them the only thing you've been getting into was trouble, luckily they were there to help you out of it. This summer for you has been the best, until you meet Bill when he was trying to take over Stan's mind.

"What? Little me? I'm not doing any harm, am I (Y/N)?" Bill pushed the attention on you.

"U-Uhh..." Your voice drew quiet. Mabel gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.

Were you to choose Bill or the twins. Granted, you had a small crush on the demon but the twins were your first friends back in Piedmont. It was a hard choice, one you've never been in before.

"I-I...I don't know!" You squeaked before running out of the scene. Bill floated down to the two twins, who were left staring as you ran out of the forest. Dipper went to go after you but Bill pulled him back by the rim of his vest.

"Not so fast Pine Tree," He said.

"Argh! Let me go Bill!" Dipper tried to fight his way out of Bill's grasp. Mabel shook her head disapprovingly.

"Guys, guys, no need to fight over (Y/N), she's got more than enough to handle as it is," She said.

"We have to find her, she could be lost out there," Dipper's fist clenched.

"I know, bro-bro, but let her have her space," Mabel sighed.

"Fine. But I am going to go after her soon," Dipper stormed the opposite direction, his body heading for the shack. Mabel and Bill watched as he pushed past tree branches and bushes.

"I'm going after her,"

ANNND That's all I had planned ;-;

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now