Werewolf! Reader x Human! Bill

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Requested by: Sabrina Rupp

Lmao how may of you still read these?
Btw I hope this meets your expectations!
Onto the one-shot!

By day you were a normal human going about your businesses like anyone else. However, by night, you transformed into a monstrous beast who ravaged the town of Gravity Falls. Which is why every day exactly at six o'clock when the sun eases down you drop whatever you were doing and rush home.

Today was different.

It started off well, you did your job without complaint and your boss didn't give you a hard time to the point where you wished you could turn into a wolf and rip him apart. No, for some strange reason the day was perfect. And that's what was ticking you off.

'All goods things come to an end,' The thought kept itching you with paranoia.

You pulled on your hair, curling it around your fingers. A groan escaped your lips as you eyed the clock from your cashier desk. It was 5:50. In just ten minutes you could go home and finally let your inner demons loose.

"Hey, hey (Y/n)," An annoying voice said, making you eye roll over to that person and plaster on a fake smile.

"What is it, Bill?" You added a hint of the I-don't-care tone in your voice.

Bill was a new employee here. After a little argument with your boss, you had to take him under your wing and show him the ways of the store. It would've been fine if Bill wasn't so strange. He didn't know how to use a phone, the cash register, or even how to button a shirt.

Bill's friends usually dropped him off here and it was even weirder when they were only fourteen-year-olds. Most of the time it was like taking care of a child. You don't even wanna know what happened when he had to use the restroom.

"I was just wondering if...well, um–" The blond flushed scarlet and it spread to his ears. Time was of the essence and you couldn't afford his incoherent rambling.

"Spit it out already." You raised a brow at him.

"Would–Would you do me the favor of going on a date with me," With each word passing out, Bill grew more confident.

That was something unexpected. You had to do a double-take. A date? With you? Sure, you get catcalls every so often but no one had ever taken them seriously. A determined look crossed his face which said he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Pi-Dipper said it's what you ask someone when you care a lot about them, and I think I care a lot about you..." This earned a cold gaze from you.

"You think?" Honestly, you didn't want to waste his time or yours.

Bill was quick to answer, "I know! I know I care a lot about you," He awkwardly scratched at his neck while his eyes darted away from your serpent stare.

"Look, as much as I would love to go on a date with you, I can't." 

You had to admit that Bill was cute, even when he didn't understand certain things. In fact, you probably would date him if it wasn't for your, um...werewolf issue.

Bill had grown on you and you weren't proud of that. A constant fear of yours was hurting someone close to you. Which explains why you live alone and don't socialize with anyone. Could someone really love a monster like you? Would they be willing enough to put themselves in danger, just to be with you? Those questions plagued your heart. So you vowed you wouldn't date even if the feelings were mutual.

"Why?" Bill's voice dropped into a quiet whisper.

With all your feelings and insecure thoughts pressuring you, you exploded, "I just can't okay!"

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now