TLW: Human-Demon! Bill x Heartbroken! Reader

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Be warned. This one is THREE years old, so the writing is pretty shitty. Meh, I'm posting for all the world to see.

"Tsk tsk, Pine Tree just doesn't know how to treat a lady," I heard a voice echo around me.

"What do you want Bill!?" I sniff whipping off the tears on my sleeve and buried my head in my knees. Then the triangle (Dorito) demon popped up next to me.

"What, can't I cheer up a pretty girl who's had a heartbreak?" He asked me, but what shocked me is that he actually called me pretty.

"You think I'm pretty?" I ask, lowering my defenses.

"Yeah sure, why wouldn't you be, you've got a great body," He made a body shape with both of his hands. I laughed quietly at that hand motion.

"Yeah, yeah, now what's the real reason you came here?" I roll my eyes, trying to hide my blush by letting my hair fall around me.

"What, can't I just cheer you up for no reason at all?" He shrugged.

"No, there has to be a reason why you came, did you wanna make a deal or something?"

"Well actually no, I just felt like you would need a help after your heartbreak with Pine Tree," He said.

"Oh, yeah...that," I sigh, tears forming in my eyes. "I guess he doesn't like me," I laugh, trying to hide out my sobs, but I fail ultimately.

"I guess he was too in love with that redheaded cashier girl to notice a beautiful thing like you," He flew over to me.

"Heh, yeah, now I totally know something's up with you, never in a million years would I ever hear you say that," I try to take my mind off Dipper, by thinking about why Bill was acting like this.

"No, I guess I wouldn't, but that doesn't mean I can't help you," He patted my shoulder. We both stayed in dead silent for quite some time, only with the bird's chirping and calling of the animals to fill our ears, well before I spoke up.

"Bill, can you erase my memory of Dipper rejecting me?" I turn my gaze to him.

"Now why would I do that?" He sat down next to me.

"Well, it would help me get over the heartbreak, and you did say that you would help me," I reason with him.

"I-I don't know," He sighed.

"Please, for me, I'll make a deal, anything! I just want to forget that memory..." My hand grab onto his shoulders. I made him look me in the face and went closer to his.

"please," I whisper.

"Okay, fine, look here. Don't tell anyone but you don't need to make a deal with me about it," He said.

"Thanks, Bill!" I tackle him in a hug, a hug that sent both of us on the ground.

"Uh, sorry," I get off of him, hiding my blush too. "Here," I extend my hand out to him. He took it and I pulled him up to his feet. Then we just stood there like that for a few minutes before he coughed to bring out the tension.

"So you ready?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be..." I sigh and let my mind relax.

"Okay, just relax and let me do my thing, I promise I'll only go in there to erase your memory," He said and put a hand to my forehead.

"And what if you break that promise," He rolled his eyes.

"I'll make it up to you somehow, okay? Now just relax, I'm going to enter," He closed his eyes, and I closed mine as I could feel him breaking my barrier and entering my mind. 

Yo okay so after this Mabel sees Bill enter your mind, and without knowing the context behind it she calls Dipper and Soos for help. And I forgot what happens after that so uh yeah. As you can see, this was one was written when I couldn't grasp Bill's personality so he's probably really OOC here...

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now