Demon! Reader x Human! Bill Cipher - Not So Bad

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Requested by a couple people!
EyelessPuppet  & FangirlOfFandoms! Subgic, yours is next :)
Anyway, onto the one shot!:

With a standing finish and both of your arms spread out wide you drummed your fingers into a fist nd everything around you slowed to a stop. 

The flaming fires burned off to a simmer until they were gone, the floating balls that were juggling by themselves stopped in mid air and bounced onto the ground. And the man who was turned into a horse, slowly shifted back. He was from the audience and after he changed back he looked like he had the time of his life. 

The crowd cheered in awe and your bowed. You were Miss. Magician, of Circuit's Circus. You traveled around the world bring entertainment and magic to all. Though, you weren't using just the trick of the eye you were actually using real magic, like make things appear or float magic. Truth be told, you were a demon. But that's not the point. 

Recently your Circus had been moving across the West Coast in hopes of racking what up what you called dough, aka money. This stop was Gravity Falls, a little wacky and weird town in the middle of Oregon. 

When you bowed a few times to the crowd you snapped your fingers and disappeared back to your dressing room, leaving the crowd in amazement. Instantly you appeared in front of a long mirror, thankfully not a fun house mirror, some of your co-workers liked to mix up your mirrors with funhouse ones for jokes. 

"Another day's work..." You sighed. You started to strip off your outfit. 

First to come off was your black and silver tail coat, then it was a solid black corset over your favorite colored blouse. You left your blouse, skirt and net stockings on because it was fairly cold in Gravity Falls. If it wasn't, you would have changed into your usual, shorts, tank top and flats. 

Whilst you shoving your taken off clothing down a duffle bag you heard a voice come from the other side of the tent. It was high pitched and sounded kind of techno, an abnormal pitch for a guy. 

"Great show out there! Loved your act by the way, but how did you get that man to turn into a horse?" 

You folded up your tail coat, putting holding it in one arm, and grabbed your duffle bag, swinging it onto your shoulder. You ignored the strange man, it wasn't normal for people to come see you after your show, and you didn't want it to become a normal thing. 

After you picked up your things you began to walk pass by the man. On the way, you told hold of his looks. He had blonde hair, a chiseled chin and was dressed in head to toe in a yellow tuxedo. He was a tad cute in your opinion, but you weren't really looking for love right now. 

"I could only wonder what you used. Mirrors, a smoke machine, projectors...." The man went on and your pace slowed down just a bit. Maybe you really wanted to hear what he had to say. You were expecting a different answer from him. He had this strong aura around him and your senses told you he was dangerous. 

"Maybe even a bit of...magic."

You froze dead in your tracks. Did this person even know who he was messing with? The man seemed pleased by your sudden stop.

"Please, as if Magic is real, it was just a trick of the eyes," You tried to laugh off his answer, but he could pick out your lies.

"I beg to differ," The stranger said. You turned around and walked up to the man in annoyance and fury.

"It was nothing more than just a trick of the eyes, magic does not exist," You firmly told him. The man's eyes only narrowed and sent daggers to you.

"I still don't believe you, prove it." He folded his arms. You sighed. Time to make use of those seduction skills.

"Listen, as much as I would love to explain to you how it worked out," You traced your fingers up his suit up to his chin. The man's eyes were on you and he gulped.

"I have places to be and people to entertain," You smiled and the pouted your lips. The man's face was red. After a couple of moments, you continued to make your way out of the tent. Just as you were about to open the tent's flap you heard something.


Once again you stopped in your tracks.

"What did you say?" You twirled around and strutted back up to the man. His face flustered even more. You definitely heard something, but what?


"No, I swear you said something," You grit your teeth, "IFXO,"

"What? I'm no liar," He said too quickly before his brain registered what he just did. Somehow the man understood what you said. This amazed you. You twiddled your finger behind your back, causing a rope to slither like a snake, hopefully without the man noticing.

"Who are you?" You asked. The man said nothing. He looked extremely nervous underneath your gaze.

"I-I should get going..." He stuttered. Now it was your turn to narrow your eyes.

"You're not going anywhere."

Quickly you snapped your fingers and a chair appeared behind the man. While he was surprised about where the chair came from you kicked him in the torso, causing him to fall into the said chair.

"Wha-!" When he sat in the chair you clenched your hand, and the rope curled itself tight around the man in the chair.

"I said. Who are you?"

The man didn't say or do anything. He just sat there in the ropes that bonded him to the chair.

"Fine. I'll just find out myself then," You sighed. With a free hand, you placed two fingers on the man's forehead. Through your fingers you sucked up as much information as you could from the man, but what you found surprised you. Because this wasn't a man. This was another Demon.

"Bill Cipher. Dream Demon, from the 4 dimension otherwise known as the Mindscape." Bill smirked.

"Wow, pretty and smart," Bill gave you a flirtatious smile again. You let out a scoff while also rolling my eyes.

"Oh, how I love a woman who takes control," He purred to you. Quite creeped out and a bit disgusted you kicked down his chair. The chair and Bill would've fallen over if you didn't have reins on the end of the rope binding the man.

"Don't forget who's in control, love," You whispered to him.

 His face turned into a strawberry pink. You gazed Bill's face, your eyes bearing into his until yours flickered down to his lips. They were thin, plum, and looked as sweet as sugar. He wouldn't mind a simple kiss right?

You moved forward slightly and then kissed him on the lips, and maybe a bit too hard. Bill struggled to figure out what was happening. What was she doing?

"You know, you're not so bad..." You mumbled over his mouth, causing Bill to shiver.

"Could say the same about you," He said. A crooked smile crept onto your face. 

"And that's why I'm going to do this," You got your fingers ready in a snapping position.

"Wha-" Before he could finish his word your fingers snapped, causing him to close his eyes and fall asleep.


The next morning Bill found himself asleep on the ground with only a fleece blanket. His was in the same place where he spoke with you last night, only the tents were gone and there was nothing but flat grassy land. It looks like the Circus had moved out of Gravity Falls. 

Suddenly he felt something weight down in his pocket. Confused, he reached into his pants and he pulled out two things. One of which being a note.

Good Morning Bill!
It was nice to meet you last night, though the circumstances were not the best.
I hope you enjoyed the kiss!~

~If you want to see me again, you know what to do~

This is where the other thing came into play. It was a single ticket. Small, white, and barcoded with numbers. In a few fancy letters were written, "Come See The Talented Miss. Magician at Circuit's Circus!~ Next stop in Piedmont California," Bill smiled. 

Oh, he was definitely going to your next show after what happened the night before. 

HOPE YOU LIKED IT!~ Remeber! Comment, Vote, and Request :)

Bill Cipher x Reader (One Shots | Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now