I feel so important* huddles self into emo corner with a blanket and cries*

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I was in the band room, and we (el marcho bando) were taking a break from playing. Someone decided to start telling bad jokes and a few others followed suit, standing up each time.

I wanted to try, so I stood up and told one. "Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? Don't worry, he woke up!" And no one, excluding the drumline, heard me. I was bummed, so I sat down.

Later, we broke for lunch, which was provided by the band parents (so many burgers...). Before I left, I stopped my fellow quad player, Tanner, to tell a drum joke. I picked up a cymbal and a stick and brought a bass drum for effect. "The drumline falls down a cliff!" *BADUM* *CRAAAASH*

And once again, no response. He'd looked away halfway through it, so all I got was a bunch of confused looks and a creeping sense that I'd just embarrassed myself.

Then, feeling ignored, I grumpily stuffed my face with two burgers.

Some days I think if I died, none of my group would care. "Oh well. She was a terrible quad player anyways. Plus, she was a disaster waiting to happen." Then they'd move on...

...But that's a worse-case scenario. Very unlikely that I'll die anytime soon, don't you worry. I'll be here for a while, whether it be fortunate or unfortunate to some.

Or you might not care.

...which is ok too, I suppose...

I'm just feeling bleh today.

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