Baby is Morning Person

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I woke up to go to school this morning, and went out to the living room to get my outfit for the day. Now, my sister (not Ally, but my sister Amanda) , her fiance Nathan, and Samantha (niece-san! :3) had come to visit the night before. Anyways, they stayed the night and this morning I found Sam awake in her crib. She was such a happy baby >w< it was cute! Though I can't say how she wasn't cranky besides that she's a morning person (hissssssss) I wonder if it will wear off with age...

I had to ask her how she could stay so happy in the morning and she gave me a loud giggle/shout thing which was ADORABLE. Seriously, I need to start filming her and posting it here somehow. (Yes I'm bragging. What can I say? I'm a proud auntie. :3) I've also found that she finds sneezes funny. Especially loud ones like how mine are.

Proud auntie is proud :

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