I have returned to social obscurity.*snuggles in a blanket with phone games*

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*tries to update Clash of Kings*
Phone- Insufficient storage space.
*looks at social media apps*
Me- Sorry, nonexistent social life.
*deletes Snapchat from phone with no remorse, it's screams echoing into nothing*

Priorities! * thumbs up*

...And so, I no longer have Snapchat. For only having two friends on there, (one who didn't even want to talk and another that was just...no) it was a waste of space. Plus, it took up A LOT of it... (over 68MB in the first week of barely using it.) I suppose that's how those apps are, but I'd still rather use that space on something I'll enjoy. Like Wattpad. Or Pou.

Vine... watch your back, man. You could be next...

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