It seems I've had a bounce back

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Ok, so you know how yesterday sucked for me?

Well, today was AWESOME.

Seriously, I was on fire (pronounced like faiyah).

So, we had practice today, right? I'd actually had a semi-rushed morning (that's what I get for sleeping in) so I only ate 1 piece of toast for breakfast. I walked into the bandroom where our 4th base (Westley) was eating a McDonald's breakfast. I started talking to him, mentioning what I'd had to eat in passing, to which he responded with offering up half of his biscuit (it was good ^ ^). Afterwards we hung out until everyone else arrived.

Our band director Mr. Jones, or just Jonesy as Dad calls him, gave his daily speech (never the same though, he's a hip guy) and sent us outside to practice marching, to which the weather said "Screw that, let's have a thunderstorm." We came back in and went to the gym to practice there.
We did the basics and Westley kept messing up on the right flanks (we just move right, we don't actually do the flanks). He was good natured about it while some of the drummers got a good laugh.

After that, we played a game called Drill Out, where we got to see how well we'd learned up to that point, and when you messed up on a maneuver, you had to go sit down. We did EVERYTHING (so naturally, Westley was out quick), and by about halfway through we still had most of our drumline.

Then, there was one maneuver that took ALL of us out.
...All except me.

Everyone started cheering, assuming we'd all messed up, but my group was all like "No, Missy's still in!" excitedly. ("Go girl!" "You got this, Missy!" "Hey, no pressures, right?" Yeah...) Ally got out shortly after that.

Soon after, there were only 5 of us left; Our Drum Major (Jacklyn) , one Saxophone, one Floutist, one Trombone, and me.

Then there were two; Jacklyn and I.

Neither of us wanted to keep going, we were both a little shaky. Mr. Jones announced that we'd be going one more time. The band cheered; we groaned. He started calling out maneuvers. "Mark time four, forward eight, eight-count turn to the left, backwards eight, left flank eight, halt."

Oh, boy...

"Mark, time, mark, AND!"

We both started off, did a 360° turn, marched backwards, marched to the left, and stopped.

MJ: Crap.

We had tied. The band went crazy.

Jonsey declared the both of us marching champions for the day (though I think if we had more time, we would've gone again...) and told everyone to go to the bandroom. I not only got a high-five from Jacklyn and Ally, but from the WHOLE DRUMLINE (well, an arm-five from Westley at first because we missed). People were cheering for us, it was crazy, I was still shaking for awhile.

The band has to do a dance for our show's drum feature. Its the whip, then the Nae-Nae, the stanky leg, a "shake it off" loose wrist thingy, and then 8 counts for a freestyle. Even though drummers don't get to do it on the field, I still learned it (it's fun ^w^). After we got it down we got Jones to do it with us, which was funny.

So, yeah. Today was awesome. :3

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