I really need to stop doing that

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Last night, I had some math homework to do and I was sent to bed before I could start on it, so I stayed up late so that I could go out there when no one else was awake to grab my book and take it to my room to finish. My dad finally went to bed around 12, and Ally was still awake (she was up the whole night doing something -_-) so I was like, "Well, I'll set my phone alarm to 3 AM, and I'll go out there and do my thing." Well, I did that, but when I woke up, I reset my alarm to about 10 minutes later, until about 3:20, then I was like, "I'll just set it to 4 so I can have a little extra sleep." 

So, 4 rolls around and I tell myself "Missy, you can't do this HW at 5, that's when Dad wakes up and I don't want him to catch me," so I went out there, grabbed my book, got back to the room, did it in LESS THAN 30 MINUTES ("Really!? I could've been asleep by now if I had went out around 1!), and put my book back in my bag. Like, two minutes later, I heard Ally sneeze and her light had been on the whole time (I had thought she fell asleep with it on, but nope) so I spazzed a little, but I never got a knock on my door, so I fell asleep happy that I did my homework. I was woken up around 5:30 and fell asleep on the bus, so I only had about 4 hours of sleep.

So the lesson of the story today, kids, it DON'T PROCRASTINATE ON YOUR HW IF YOU LIKE SLEEP.

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