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I went to a high school football game last Friday night ('cuz you know, I kinda have to; I'm in band) and it was the Lions against the Broncos (Cute little 3A school like us :3).

Anywho, the Broncos were really good for the first two quarters, they'd already made, like, two touchdowns by then. It was starting to look like they'd win their first game since 2012.

After 2nd quarter, halftime started, so we went on the field and performed. They had a pretty hip crowd actually, so the audience had fun and so did we :3.

Third quarter rolls around and our team started to put down. They were gaining yard by yard, and not one of them went down. As for Holly Pond, about 12 went down due mainly to cramps. They all got up, so woo (one of them was down for about 5 minutes though. Hope he's OK now)

By 4th quarter, we had them beat. The crowd, the band, and even the football players themselves were going wild. The final score was 25(?)-18, our favor.

It was a lot of fun. Sure, I woke up sore this morning, but it was worth it. :3

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