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"Three Heart Beats"

"Andy!" I exclaimed

"Huh? I-I-Ice!" Andy turns around with a red face. Every time I see him, he looks at me with a blushed face.

"We need to talk... in private if possible" He nodded in response and we went to the back of the school building.

"What is it?" He asked

"Andy... Do you REALLY love me?" Andy froze up and his face red as a tomato "I am sorry but I cannot return the favor."

"Oh..." He looks at me with sad eyes and all of his fur seems to have lost its will to stand. Even his tail and ears are drooped "Is there someone else?"

"Yes... I am sorry"

"Okay... But Ice!"

"Hm?" He held my shoulder while still smiling

"Thank-you for being there when no one else was. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dropping out soon."

"Andy... No problem!"

"We are still friends, right?" He asked

"You idiot! Of course we are!"

"Thanks and I know this sounds selfish and I know you won't love me back but could we possibly hug?"

I nodded in response to him and buried myself in his chest. He is beefy and strong like I imagined and he seems to shake. I pet him on the back trying to say it is okay.


I hear a voice just a little further away from us. I break away from Andy I can only see Rex... crying...

"Rex! It's not what you think"

"LIKE HELL IT IS!" he stormed away from us...

"Andy, I am sorry but I need to comfort him. See you next time." I waved back to Andy who nods

"Rex!! Wait!" I caught up to him and grabbed his shirt.
"So... you chose him?"

"No! I didn't! He asked me to hug him so I did"


"Yes!" I hugged him "Because I choose you..."

"Ice... I loved you..."

"I love you too, Rex"

"But I am sorry..." I looked at him confused

"What do you mean?"

"I can't accept you right now... I...I am confused..."

"But Rex..." he peeled me away from him

"I need to go home... Goodbye..."

"... I love you..." Is all I could say

"..." He walked in silence

He... he hates me now? No... That can't be. I mean, he is Rex!

"I am sorry..." Andy walked up to me

"It's not your fault. It's mine..." I started to tear up

"If you love him... then go after him!" He said

"No... it will only make things worse. I...I want him to be alone for a while... Thanks Andy but I need to go home now"

"See ya"

I walk down the streets in silence until I got home

"Hi sweetheart! How's school?"

"I really not want to talk about it... I'll be in my room..."

I went upstairs, locked the door and crashed on y bed. I started to tear up and end up crying until I fell asleep...

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