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"Summer, Feline and Canine"

A month has passed and tomorrow, I will be going to the beach with my class and Leo. I told my mom and dad that I will wake up earlier than they are. They told me to cook breakfast. Really? I can't even cook much better than my brother.

"How can you get married with Rex if you can't cook?"

That's what she told me so I slept early and the next day, I prepared a simple breakfast. Eggs and Bacon with toast. I then left for the bus stop and what surprised me there is something I never expected.


"Ice! You are early!" He said

"Look who is talking!" I smirk

"I-I-It's my first time to go to the beach other than my family... I am kinda... excited" He said as he fiddled with his hands. He really is so shy being that tall...

"Irony..." I said


"Nothing." I turn in embarrassment

"Hey Ice... W-w-what is it like dating Rex?" I blushed in his question

"Um... Honestly... the best thing that has happened to me... When we are together, I feel like I am so safe. Also that tail of his really is cute. Not to mention when he is crying, my heart melts! Also when he eats-" I stare at Kou who was smiling with sparkling eyes "Sorry, I shouldn't be talking that much" I blushed

"Don't worry... I hope I find someone to who will love me too..."

We continued talking until the rest came. I think Kou and me went here individually but the others came together. I feel left out...

"How long will be the ride?" Rex asked

"About two hours from the nearest beach" Leo answered. Knowing that, I yawned... loudly

"Sleep next to me if you want!" Rex offered

"Is it okay?"

"I am wide awake and at least it isn't Maya! I would get crushed by he-OOOOWWWWWW!!!!" He then is suddenly knocked out.

"Say that again and I'll make sure you will stay knocked out!" She said angrily

"I think I'll take a nap for a while..."

By the time I woke up, we just got at the destination. I look to my side and Rex is already gone. I giggled and went outside and I suddenly was attacked by a wolf

"Change ice!" He pulls off my shirt and my pants and I was utterly naked... or so he wished. I am already wearing my swim trunks!

"Aww..." He sighed

"Hehehe! I came prepared!" I threw my bag at him and tagged him "I'll race you to the ocean!"

We played until lunch. We swam and even built sand castles! Then out of nowhere, crabs started to pinch Rex's tail. I can't stop laughing! I went to the shades and the others went and bought food. I was left to guard our fort with Rex. I leaned next to him and felt his body warmth. If any would pass by, we definitely look like a couple.

"Look guys, some faggots!" We heard a voice and I saw three beast. A bull, cow and a deer. "Better take them out!"

They then started to attack us for no reason! What the hell!? I saw Rex defending me! He is getting beat up pretty bad. I pulled him back and whispered to his ear

"Remember the tricks we were taught by Ms. Pearl?" He nodded in response. We need to defend ourselves. When we fought again, not a punch landed on our body. Who knew that self-defense classes are useful?

"You faggots!!!" The bull then pulled out a steel pipe and started to swing. Rex covered me and keeps taking the damage

"I... am sorry...Ice..." He looks like he is about to pass out so I push him away from me.

"Hmph! WE are faggots? What a bunch of retards." I mocked them

"You Sh*t hole!!!"

I closed my eyes hoping I would endure the pain...




Nothing. I opened my eyes and I saw something I never thought...


He punched three of them to the ground. Is it just me or is this a feeling of déjà vu?

"You both okay?" He walked up to us and helped us up

"Why are you helping us?" Rex asked

"One, I care about you guys and two, would I just stand there while three armed men beat up two unarmed high schoolers?"

"I will not hand you Ice, ya know?" Rex said as he grabbed me

"I know and I moved on! Thanks to Ice I changed"

"What are doing here?" I asked

"What? Can't I go to the beach during summer?"

I pouted and I grabbed both of them "Then let's just have fun!"

These two will be rivals but for me, they are my friends! By the time the rest returned, we explained what happened

"A grade of C" Leo said

"Aww man!" I said

"Whatever but surely, I don't fully trust Andrew yet... If you ever steal Ice from me, I will hunt you down!" Rex glared at Andy

"Deal!" He agreed

"Stop being so possessive, Rex!" I pet his head

"I-I-I'm not!" He said but his tail says otherwise. He really is cute!

After that fiasco, we went on with our day and had fun with the addition of Andy. I went home with a few souvenirs like key chains and bracelets. I gave them to my family and they seem to love it. I finished my night routine and lay down the bed...

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